© 2015 Disney

Star Wars Legion: Part 2
Artists from across The Walt Disney Company including Lucasfilm, Industrial Light & Magic, Marvel, and Pixar -- as well as select street artists and celebrity Star Wars fans -- have created individualized interpretations of the iconic Stormtrooper helmet.
- 77 Images
"Blue Devil" by Nate Stanton
"VaderBacca" by Tim Smith
"Blue Graphic Camo ST" by Eisuke Takeda
"Sugar Trooper" by Daniel Arriaga
By WanYi Zhou
By Joanne McQuaig
"Fragile" by Yusuke Unchino
"In My Star Wars Movie..." by Melanie Walas
By Jeff Poulin
"Sakura Storm" by Kazue Tsuda
By Hong Teo
"Storm Van Trooper" by Ricky NIerva
"Rouge Trooper" by Shivas Thilak
By WoonChi Ong and Oliver Summa
"Maharaja Trooper" By Dixie Wu
"Saralacc Trooper" By Kate Lee
"SMS Audio"
"The Empire Strikes Black" by Ariella Seltzer
"Uruk Ihai Trooper as Taken by Gimli" by Dan Owen
"Battle Death Star Trooper" by Ben Lane
"Storm Troopiary" by Jennifer Tan
"Enchanted Stormtrooper" by Ricky De Los Angeles
"Episode IV A New Hope" by Gabriel Maldonado
"Cave of Wonders" by Beverly Sonby
"Kermish Kerb" by Scott Cook
"Sliced by the Saber" by Diana Tran
"After Hours" by Elise Fachon
"By Your Command" by Steve Andrews
"Tacos Imperial" by Eric Acasio
"Opening Night" by Stephanie Shapiro
"Cherry" by Bianca Lemus
"Chicken Trooper" by Jerome Ranft
"Stormtrooper's Apprentice" by Maryam Urumieh
"Sid's Trooper" by Maria De La Cruz
"Troop Detective" by Derek Thompson
"Mercury Trooper" by Jean Bolte
"Phantom 501" by John Goodson
"The Darker Side" by Adam Cichowski
"The Drop of the STAR" by Takako Aiki
"Fallen Warrior" by Tyler Scarlet
"Peace Trooper" by Troy Alders
By Danny Janevski
By Hugo Derat
"Trooper by the Bay" by Clay Brown
"Monkey King" by Rich Tuzon
"Candy Trooper" by Jason Strahs
By Faith Wong
"The Plasma Trooper" by Anthony Mai
"Comic Legacy" by Tom Marvelli
"PEACE in Cherry Blossoms" by Shigeki Kanda
By Brian Biles
"Hickory" by Chris Glenn
"Lava Trooper" by Gustavo Yamin
"Star Wars White Soldier in Acer Japonicum with Red Parapet Teacup" by Tetsunosuke Saiki
"Ti Que Fortu Juan" by Stephen Barron
By Abdul Hafiz Ramli
"The Space is Negative" by Sarah Garcia
By David Espinoza
"Yoda Camouflage" by Matt Jones
"Granny Moff" by Kilian Plunkett
"Little Bash" by Chris Bonura
"Relic of Endor" by Ryan Weston
By Betsy Mueller
By Ryuki Ikegaya
"Stormtrooper Playground" by Irene Lee
"NO WARS. He is dreaming of love...." by Yuko Ono
"Samurai Surprise" by Jeffery Ranjo
"Bhudda Trooper" by Marc Wendt
"11th Dimension" by Sugar Coated
"FANcy Cake" by Mayuko Nakajima
"StormPrinz Helm Relic" by Manu Arenas
"The Promotion" by Catherine Kelly
By Jay Ward
By Steve Purcell
"Sleeping Death Star Soldier" by Brian Ng
"The Imperial Nauti Trooper" by Howie Weed
Star Wars Legion: Part 2
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