© 2015 Disney

Star Wars Legion: Part 1
Artists from across The Walt Disney Company including Lucasfilm, Industrial Light & Magic, Marvel, and Pixar -- as well as select street artists and celebrity Star Wars fans -- have created individualized interpretations of the iconic Stormtrooper helmet.
- 113 Images
By Daniel Gonzales
"Leather Wrapping-Trooper" by Satoru Kawano
By Leigh Barbier
"Clockwork Trooper" by Amanda Milne
"Radiant Legacy" by Kathleen Donaldson
By Ron Woodall
"Team Deathstar" by Rick Kess
"A Long Time Ago" by Terrell Gentry
"TK-421" by Jeff Shelly
"Do you want ants? Because this is how you get ants." by Alex Riegert-Waters
"COE" by Ryan Brahe
"The First Legion" by Brian Godlewski
"Storm Scooper - Available in '66' Flavors" by Kim Porter
"Lonely Hearts at Trooper Rock" by Dan Owen
"Mickey's Empire" by Barry Atkinson & Fred Warter
"Tribal Trooper" by George Fong
"TK-1928" by Robert Farrell
"Saving the Planet Gets Me All Chalked Up" by Margie Peng
"Supertrooper" by Susan Fang
"Warrior Cheif Wicket" by Eric Tan
"Surfin' Safari Stormtrooper Style" by Nancy K. Bacon
"Dandelion" by Tom Caulfield
"Melody Discharger" by John Edgar Park
"Day of the Dead Stormtrooper" by Ellie Choi-Huezo
"Yub Nub" by George McClements
"The 'Crystal' Stormtrooper" by Jennifer Redding
"Sturmtruppen Specimen" by Scott Piehl
"Jabba the Hot-Mess" Becky Wong
"Spider-Trooper_ by Randal Ouye
By Daniel Tan
"All Terrain Scout Trooper (AT-ST)" by Anthony Whitfield
"20,000 Leagues Under Kamino" by Michaelangelo Rocco
"Wooden Soldier" by Aradhana Modi
"Rock N' Troll" by Tony Colón
"Tie or Die" by Greg Storey
"Cousteau Trooper" by Harmony Hines-Slattery
"Primitive Stormtrooper Mask" by Nicholas Barone
"Wind Me Up" by Marcella Lau
"Legion of Boom!" by Tom Pniewski
"Steampunk" by Ray Guinto
"Stormtrooper by Al Williamson & Archie Goodwin" by Jason Wojtowicz
"Maleficent Rising" by Jeffrey Thomas
"Disguise" by Mi Ran Kim
"Storm Troopunk" by Amanda & Howard Wilczynski
By Dana Sidell
"Witchtrooper" by Toni Tysen
"The Force Blooms Strong in This One" by Nontra Null
"Fallen Scooper Trooper" by Nontra Null
"Imperial Bling" by Elena Timman
"Nesian 3" by Tony Fejeran
"Newbie" by Ruel Pascual
"Storm 'Usagi' Trooper" Chisato Kashima-Kim
"Pencil Art" by Jean Himebaugh
"BrainStormTrooper TK109" by Nickie Huai
"Clone Head" by Rich Ginter
"Do You Want To Build A Snowman?" by Vince Wang
"Storm-Pooh-Per" by Sulam Kang
"For Pete's Sake!" by Camilo Bejarano
"Celestiality" by Adian Urquidez
"Color Scream" by Tyler Chapman
"Super Happy Kawaii Crazy Harajuku Trooper" by Mark Monterroso
"Winter Trooper" by Tatiana Krasovski
"This is LA" by Ignacio Rodriguez
"A Long Time Ago in a Kid's Room Far, Far Away..." by Kevin Deters
"Baymax" by Juan E. Hernandez
"Tribe Trooper" by Andrew Taylor
"Soldado Muerto" by Juan E. Hernandez
"Day of the Dead" by David Wainstain
"Sugar Trooper" by Jorge Garcia
"Sunshine Trooper"
"Stormrod" by Michael Magaling
"Sando Trooper" by Stacey Aoyama
By Aaron Campbell
"Iron Trooper" by Nathan Sawyer
"Funky Monkey Alliance" by Stephane Kardos
"Reina" by Rocio Cintrón
"Mosaic Homage" by Nick Jeong
"Doodletrooper" by Jay Lee
"Muertos Trooper" by Courtney Watkinson
"Dia de los Muertos" by Diana Park
"Made in Kamino" by Cathy Clark
"Bump is a Must" by Mark Brashear
"Mr. Pumpkin Head" by Lauren Leffinswell
"Talisman Trooper" by Randy McDevitt
"The Empire Shrieks Back" by Hope Goldstein
"Juicytrooper" by Lindsey St. Pierre
"1-AB" by Eva Oliphant
"Trooper-san" by Tiffany Quon
"Accidental Cat Fur" by Alexis Pivnicny
"Dia De Los Muertos" by Jennifer Moran
"War Paint" by Chris Leavens
"Duck Trooper" by Alfred Giuliani
"The Stitch Within" by Dave Zaslov
"S'more Trooper" by Jeffery Zikry
"Vapor Flash Trooper" by Christopher Shin
"Runaway Brain Stormtrooper" by Enrique Pita
"Tatooine Treasure" by Caroline E. Wilson
"Clonhisattva" by Kurt Hartman
"Got Air?" by Aimee Wendt
"Stormtrooper Calaverita" by Julia Pita
"Forest Spirit" by Yuriko Senoo
"The Son of Fett" by Scott Klass
"ZOMBIE!" by Eric Hutchison
"Stormtrooper, Controller of the Universe" by Victor Bui
"Zombie Boy - Zombie Trooper" by Ashley Losada
"The Weathered Storm" by Leon Ingram
"In/Division" by Frank Svengsouk
"Operation War Paint Bobkat" by Stef Lum
"Lightning Stormtrooper" by Randal Ouye
"May the Mickey Be With You" by Nanako Kanemitsu
"Trooper Bank" by Jessica Kim
"Rebel Yarn Bomb" by Melissa Cassara
Star Wars Legion: Part 1
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