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The Mandalorian: Chapter 4 Story Gallery
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On Sorgan, krill farmers wade into tide pools to secure their crop, until suddenly Klatooinian raiders storm their village. In the end, the bandits leave unchallenged.
The Mandalorian and his tiny companion, looking for a place to lay low, arrive at Sorgan. They make their way to a common house and order food, but a woman in armor catches the Mandalorian's eye. When she vanishes, the bounty hunter asks the proprietor to watch the Child, and he gets up to find her.
The Mandalorian tracks her footprints. She gets the jump on him, however, and they battle in the mud. Things finally calm when they look up to see the Child watching them, inquisitively.
The mysterious patron introduces herself as Cara Dune, and she joins the Mandalorian's table. She's an ex-Rebel Alliance shock trooper, here for something of an early retirement.
Later, two villagers approach the Mandalorian to ask if he'll fight the Klatooinians for them. At first the Mandalorian rejects their meager offering of payment, but when the warrior learns that they live "in the middle of nowhere," he agrees to the job in exchange for lodging.
The Mandalorian meets the villagers, including a mother and daughter named Omera and Winta. They're grateful for his help, and soon Winta and the rest of the village's children become enamored with the Child.
Cara joins the Mandalorian on his mission, but they discover that the raiders have an AT-ST in their keep. The pair realize that they cannot win, and return to the village to tell the farmers as much. But when the farmers protest, Cara has an idea: they can teach them how to fight.
Following days of training, they lure the Klatooinians and their walker to the village in the dead of night. The farmers stand their ground, and eventually the walker falls — with Cara and the Mandalorian destroying it.
The Mandalorian decides to leave the Child on Sorgan so the young being may have a better life. Unbeknownst to the armored warrior, however, a bounty hunter has tracked them. Thankfully, Cara eliminates the threat.
The Mandalorian accepts that neither he nor the Child can stay. They bid Omera and the villagers goodbye, and leave in search of the next stop on their journey.
The Mandalorian: Chapter 4 Story Gallery
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