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The Mandalorian: Chapter 10 Story Gallery
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While twin suns blaze, the Mandalorian speeds back to town through the Tatooine desert. But three bounty hunters launch a surprise attack, looking to ensnare the Child. The Mandalorian defeats the mercenaries -- though he'll have to complete the journey on foot.
The Mandalorian finally reaches Mos Eisley. There, Peli Motto connects him with someone who claims to know the location of a Mandalorian covert, but there's a catch: He must transport the contact with him while using no lightspeed travel. The passenger is carrying her unfertilized eggs, which will not survive a journey through hyperspace.
While en route, two X-wings stop the Razor Crest as it passes through New Republic jurisdiction. They soon realize that it's the same ship that was involved in a prison break, causing the Mandalorian to make a hasty escape.
The Mandalorian speeds to the icy planet below with the X-wings in hot pursuit. Racing through a canyon, the Razor Crest ultimately crashes and falls through thin ice into a subterranean cave.
With the ship suffering severe damage and the temperature frigid, the Mandalorian recommends they rest. He awakens, however, to the passenger speaking through the vocabulator of the dismantled droid, Zero. She implores that they must continue their journey, but the Mandalorian says the deal is off.
The Mandalorian attempts repairs on the Razor Crest, but stops to follow the Child when he walks away from the ship. Together they find the footprints of the passenger, which lead to a small hot spring.
The passenger sits reclining in the warm pool. The Mandalorian demands they get back to the ship as night will soon fall. Meanwhile, the Child scuttles off and discovers a smattering of native eggs on the ground, which begin to shake with life...
Ice spiders hatch and crawl toward the trio. They're soon joined by a staggeringly massive adult of the same species, and the creatures chase the group back to the Razor Crest.
Matters look dire as the ice spiders relentlessly swarm the ship, but unexpected help arrives.
After he makes his final repairs, the Mandalorian pilots the Razor Crest upward and on to their final destination.
The Mandalorian: Chapter 10 Story Gallery
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