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Ax Tagrin moves Yeager and Synara to the main hangar of the First Order shuttle. Meanwhile, Kaz and Norath sneak through the village, evading First Order troops.
At the shuttle, Commander Pyre tells the bounty hunter that if the First Order finds the remaining rebels first, he gets no payment, while Agent Tierny greets Yeager coldly. "I look forward to getting to know you," she says ominously.
Kaz contacts Captain Doza, informing him of recent events. Though Kaz says he has a plan to rescue his friends (which he doesn't), Doza says that the spy must hurry; if the Colossus gets into trouble, Doza may have to jump to lightspeed and leave them behind.
Aboard the shuttle, stormtroopers subdue CB-23 and begin a painful process of extracting data. Elsewhere, Tierny tortures Synara and Yeager for information, but they don't talk.
Finally, Kaz has an idea: they'll ambush a couple of stormtroopers, steal their armor, and sneak onto the First Order shuttle in disguise. Though Norath is dubious, they soon secure two sets of armor and set out for the shuttle. But Ax Tagrin, monitoring their communications, knows their plan.
Tierny continues her interrogation of Yeager, and the rebel veteran still resists. Meanwhile, Tagrin boards the rebels' transport and discovers the location of the Colossus, quickly informing Pyre -- who gives the order to attack.
The Colossus detects an incoming First Order Star Destroyer, and Doza realizes that their position has been compromised. As he readies to make the jump to lightspeed, Torra pleads with her father to stay and wait for their friends. But as the First Order closes in, the Colossus jumps to hyperspace.
Back on Varkana, Kaz and Norath unexpectedly find themselves face to face with Commander Pyre -- and zap him with a stun blast! In the First Order hangar, CB-23 manages to escape, taking out Agent Tierny in the process.
Kaz and Norath finally reach Yeager and Synara, and CB-23 soon joins them. But when they leave, Kaz gets no response from Captain Doza on his comlink. Still, they make their way back to their ship...only to find Tagrin waiting!
They lock the bounty hunter in the ship, but it doesn't hold him for long. Just when it looks like they've run out of luck, CB-23, piloting their craft, ignites the thrusters and sends Tagrin hurtling backwards, hard into a wall.
Kaz and his friends quickly get on board and head for space, but TIE fighters are in hot pursuit. Out of the clouds, however, come the Aces! They hold off the First Order fighters, and soon the Colossus emerges from hyperspace. Kaz and the Aces make desperate landings in the Colossus hangar, and Doza jumps away.
Their adventure over, Norath offers Kaz the chance to come with him when he returns to the Resistance. Looking away at his friends, Kaz declines the offer. "I don't think I'm ready to leave just yet," he says, instead suggesting they get some drinks at Aunt Z's.
Breakout Episode Gallery
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