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"Aldhani" Trivia Gallery | Andor
Fun facts and trivia from this episode!
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The Kuati signet, or sky kyber, that Luthen Rael gives Cassian Andor as collateral mirrors the kyber crystal necklace Lyra Erso gives young Jyn in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
The Adams Plaza Bridge at Canary Wharf station in London, which doubled for the ISB building exterior, is not far from the London Underground’s Jubilee line platform, which was dressed as a Scarif Citadel interior for Rogue One.
Filming in the Scotland Highlands for Aldhani was something of a homecoming for actor Diego Luna, who is half-Scottish.
Set Decorator Rebecca Alleway’s early work on the streaming series Shōgun and Japanese design, in general, inspired elements of several sets in Andor, most notably the bonsai trees in the Chandrilan embassy and Dedra Meero’s ISB office.
The ISB conference room was purposely designed as a laboratory-white space with nowhere to hide, to better allow Major Partagaz to intimidate his subordinates.
Luthen Rael pilots a modified Fondor Haulcraft with a droid mod co-pilot. The term Fondor has existed in Star Wars lore for decades, as a shipyard first mentioned in the novel Han Solo at Stars’ End (1979), and featured in the Star Wars daily newspaper strip “Darth Vader Strikes” as the birthplace of his Super Star Destroyer Executor. It appeared much more recently in Star Wars Battlefront II.
Cassian mentions his time spent fighting on Mimban (though Luthen questions the specifics). The planet dates back to the 1978 novel Splinter of the Mind’s Eye, and has been depicted as a battlefront for years, first mentioned in “Rookies” in Star Wars: The Clone Wars and then seen in action in Solo: A Star Wars Story.
The Imperial Security Bureau was mentioned as early as 1987’s Star Wars Sourcebook and was detailed in depth in The Imperial Sourcebook in 1989. It was brought to screen significantly in Star Wars Rebels; this is the first time its cog logo has been depicted.
The Abrion sector and Scarif are mentioned in Supervisor Lonni Jung’s ISB update as a site of increased traffic. There’s a good reason for that, as revealed in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story: Scarif is the current construction site of the Death Star.
The script identifies the shaving cream that Cassian uses by the in-universe term “foamy gelclen.”
The pricey sky-kyber Kuati signet that Luthen gives Cassian as collateral is said to commemorate the uprising against Rakatan invaders. The Rakata were ancient spacefaring conquerors central to the storyline of the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video game (2003).
The PA announcements in the Coruscant spaceport include many deeper lore references: a liner from Telgordo Travel (Star Wars Gamemaster Kit, 1991) with nearby stops on Hosnian Prime (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, 2015), Plexis (Star Wars Uprising, 2015), and Eufornis Major (Star Wars: Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks, 2015).
Among the items glimpsed in Luthen Rael’s gallery in this episode include a chestplate of Mandalorian armor, a Wookiee helmet, the featured Utapaun war cudgel, a Twi’lek kalikori, and a variety of rare and presumably fragile antiquities stored in carbonite in the back room.
Mon Mothma objects to dinner guests from the office of the Grand Vizier. The Grand Vizier in this era is Mas Amedda, a loyalist to the Emperor who was seen in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. The mentioned guests include Sly Moore, also seen in those films, and Ars Dangor, an Imperial advisor that dates back to the Imperial Sourcebook (1989).
"Aldhani" Trivia Gallery | Andor
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