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"Reckoning" Trivia Gallery | Andor
Fun facts and trivia from this episode!
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Maaloula, a town in southwestern Syria that sits below a mesa of rock, was one of the inspirations behind Ferrix’s geography.
Syril Karn’s blaster prop was inspired by a “light gun” in the Binatone TV Master MK6 game console from the late 1970s.
Outside of the blaster fire added by ILM’s visual effects team, all but two of the shots in the factory shootout sequence were completely practical, the falling engines and chains being practical builds.
The Preox-Morlana Mobile Tac-Pod was designed as a cross between a Republic gunship and a SWAT van.
The flashbacks in this episode occur during the later years of the Republic, prior to the start of the Clone Wars, with Maarva and Clem worrying about an incoming Republic frigate interrupting their salvage operation. The dead crewers aboard the transport corsair wear uniforms with a symbol closely related to the eventual Separatist Alliance. Travel to Kenari will later be restricted by the Empire due to environmental disaster.
The idea of areas of the galaxy being zoned for corporate exploitation and management is an old one, dating back to the Corporate Sector as seen in Han Solo at Stars’ End (1979, Del Rey Books). That book showcased private corporate security forces much like the Corpo sentry guards seen in this episode.
The flashback version of B2EMO is not only in better physical condition, but also doesn’t have a speech impediment.
Cassian Andor carries a MW-20 Bryar pistol. It's inspired by the K-16 Bryar pistol in Star Wars Battlefront, which in turn was originally made famous by the Bryar design used by Kyle Katarn in the Dark Forces games. The prop designers included enough extra features and design elements into Cassian’s pistol that it warranted a new model number.
The real-world linguistic roots of the Kenari language are a blend of Portuguese, Spanish, and Magyar.
"Reckoning" Trivia Gallery | Andor
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