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Behind the Scenes Gallery | A New Hope
- 16 Images
R2-D2 and Alec Guinness on-set in Tunisia.
Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher between takes of the "for luck" swing sequence.
Makeup artist Stuart Freeborn and Peter Mayhew rehearse some of Chewie's lines.
Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford, in stormtrooper gear.
Mark Hamill in his X-wing pilot costume and cockpit, filming the climactic dogfight above the Death Star.
Stunt coordinator Peter Diamond in Tusken Raider costume.
Shooting the Jedi mind trick sequence in Tunisia.
Peter Cushing, George Lucas, and Carrie Fisher on the Death Star set, preparing to film Tarkin's encounter with Leia.
Concept artist and effects technician Joe Johnston with X-wing and TIE fighter models.
Filming Luke's near-fall into a Death Star chasm.
Mark Hamill with landspeeder in Tunisia.
Darth Vader (played in-costume by David Prowse) on the Tantive IV set.
Anthony Daniels cools down on the Tunisia set.
Luke and Threepio enter the Mos Eisley cantina.
Lorne Peterson building a TIE fighter model in the creature shop.
Working on a Rodian (Greedo's species) mask between takes.
Behind the Scenes Gallery | A New Hope
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