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Steps Into Shadow Trivia Gallery
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As part of Zeb’s new Season 3 character model, he has an illustration on his suit of the joopa (Big Bongo) that ate him in Season Two.
As part of Sabine’s new Season 3 character model, her armor has an illustration of the convor owl described to her by Ezra.
Hera now has a traditional rebel rank badge on her sleeve indicating she is a captain.
One version of Hondo’s reaction to Terba’s spectular demise was to remark breathlessly: “They can fly!”
Ezra calling out a “44 scoop” is a reference to the coded tactics the rebels have been using since Season One, when Kanan ordered a “22 pickup” to get them out of Kessel.
About six months have passed since the end of Season Two in the lives of the characters.
In Ezra’s quarters is a torn poster for an old podrace competition featuring Ben Quadinaros. A similar poster was once seen in Anakin Skywalker’s quarters in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
The concept of Bendu was originally explored for Season 2, and was to factor into “The Mystery of Chopper Base.” In early exploration of that story, Bendu was much, much bigger and the rebels had inadvertently built Chopper Base on Bendu’s back. Upon returning from a mission, they’d find their base gone because Bendu had moved.
The term Bendu dates back to the original story treatments written by George Lucas when he was first defining Star Wars in 1973. The Jedi Knights were alternately called the Jedi Bendu, and the light and dark side aspects of the Force were called the Ashla and the Bogan, respectively.
Commander Brom Titus was last seen in Season Two’s “Stealth Strike,” where he was an Admiral in charge of the Interdictor project.
This episode marks the destruction of the Phantom. The writer who pitched the destruction of the ship was then jokingly nicknamed “The Phantom Menace” for much of the season.
The mention of General Dodonna at the end of the episode indicates that the captured Y-wing fighters will make their way to the Gold Squadron seen in the attack against the Death Star in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.
Steps Into Shadow Trivia Gallery
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