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The Protector of Concord Dawn Trivia Gallery
Concord Dawn is a world first established in Legends storytelling. It was brought into cinematic storytelling in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, as Rako Hardeen (Obi-Wan's undercover alias) was said to be from Concord Dawn.
The style of the confrontation between Kanan and Fenn Rau is deliberately staged as a Western.
Supervising director Dave Filoni named the character of Fenn Rau after episodic director Brad Rau.
Fenn Rau was previewed in an issue of the Star Wars: Kanan comic, which dramatizes the Third Battle of Mygeeto.
The markings on the top of Fenn Rau's helmet are from early Joe Johnston artwork exploring Boba Fett for The Empire Strikes Back.
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The Protector of Concord Dawn Trivia Gallery
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