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Rebel Assault Episode Gallery
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The Rebellion's X-wing squadron arrives at Lothal, led by Hera Syndulla. Their primary target: the Imperial fuel depot. But first, they'll need to get past the blockade.
Grand Admiral Thrawn is ready, commanding the Imperial defenses. Hera's skills impress Thrawn, and she even tricks the vaunted Vult Skerris into following her into oncoming fire -- resulting in the loss of his TIE defender elite's shields.
It would prove a costly mistake, as Hera outmaneuvers her rival and destroys the TIE defender elite.
While the rebels suffer losses, Hera and the fleet eventually get through the perimeter -- but are met be a second wave of fighters. Many X-wings are destroyed, though Hera and a few others crash land on the surface. Ultimately, the fuel depot is secure.
Kanan, having witnessed the crashes, is determined to find Hera. He leaves the Ghost crew to search for her alone.
Hera and Chopper survive the crash and eventually find another rebel survivor -- Mart Mattin. Mart's astromech is destroyed by stormtroopers, but Hera takes its transmitter to send for help.
Rukh, Thrawn's assassin, locates Hera. After a battle, he raises a staff for the final blow when Chopper shocks him from behind. Rukh, seeing he can't win, escapes to the rooftops.
Kanan speeds over Lothal, when he suddenly encounters a Loth-wolf. "Dume," it says. "I understand," Kanan replies. "What must I do?"
The rebels continue through the city streets, but are finally overpowered. Rukh subdues Hera, while Mart and Chopper get away.
Kanan finds Chopper and Mart, and they speed away. Meanwhile, a Loth-wolf watches in the distance.
Rebel Assault Episode Gallery
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