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Path of the Jedi Trivia Gallery
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The working title for this episode was “Enlightenment.”
What Ezra was off doing with Sabine at the start of the episode was detailed in earlier versions of the script before being cut for time. It will become evident by the end of the season.
An early version of the story included Old Jho and Vizago being involved in Ezra’s search for a kyber crystal, but as the spiritual core of the episode expanded, the script was streamlined to focus on the events within the temple.
The idea of there being Jedi Temples other than the central one on Coruscant is supported by the presence of Ilum and the Eedit Temple of Devaron in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
Seen on the frozen grounds outside of the Jedi temple is an ancient symbol depicting the intertwined nature of the light and dark sides. These icons have been seen on Mortis and on Ilum in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
The presence of kyber crystals in Lothal’s crust (seen in the “Breaking Ranks” episode) contributed, to some degree, to the placement of a Jedi Temple there in ancient times.
In Ezra’s nightmarish vision, the Inquisitor takes out Zeb first. Then, seen behind Ezra in silhouette, Hera falls. We hear Chopper get it behind closed doors, before Sabine lets out a bloodcurdling scream. Sabine’s fallen form -- or at least, her feet -- can be seen behind the Inquisitor when the doors open.
The ancient script seen etched into the walls of the Jedi Temple is derived from a Ralph McQuarrie illustration of an ancient Yavin Temple that he painted for The Illustrated Star Wars Universe, a book released in 1995.
Path of the Jedi Trivia Gallery
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