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After a mission, the Phantom is pursued by a TIE fighter. Hera blasts the ship while maneuvering past stone mounds, confident that no Imperial pilot can outrun her. At the same time, Sabine expresses her frustration with Hera's continued secrecy over intel and her mysterious contact, Fulcrum.
Ezra asks if he could fly the ship, then changes his mind at the site of three additional oncoming TIEs. Hera evades the fighters by flying closer to the stone mounds, causing one TIE to crash and the remaining two to collide. But unbeknownst to Hera, the Phantom is leaking fuel after scraping the underbelly.
Back on the Ghost, Sabine reiterates her anger with Hera and Kanan withholding information. She demands to come on the next rendezvous with Fulcrum. Meanwhile, Hera orders Zeb, Ezra, and Chopper to run a diagnostic on the Phantom. They fix the steering and life support filters, but due to some hijinks, miss the fuel leak.
Hera and Sabine take the Phantom and head for the meetup with Fulcrum on Fort Anaxes, an abandoned base located on a large asteroid. Sabine again asks who Fulcrum is, and Hera only acknowledges that he's an ally against the Empire.
They land safely, but the Phantom is still losing fuel...
Fulcrum is a no-show, but their cargo is there. Hera and Sabine take containers back to the ship, and Sabine says she needs to know that Hera and Kanan trust her. Sabine was once an Imperial cadet, and says that it's now difficult to follow orders without question. Hera explains that the secrecy is for her safety, and that she needs to have faith that she's part of a larger mission.
Noticing scratch marks on the ground, Hera realizes that there were more crates that were dragged away by someone. The two head for a nearby hangar. It's dark and filled with wreckage...
...and they realize they're not dealing with a who, but a what.
Creatures emerge from the shadows. There are many, and they attack en masse. Hera and Sabine blast them, keeping the monsters -- fyrnocks of varying size, all with sharp teeth and claws -- at bay, and eventually escape the hangar.
The fyrnocks begin to follow, but stop before running into the light. The creatures retreat back into the hangar, unable to withstand the sun's rays.
But the other asteroids in the belt block out the sun sporadically, and there's a large asteroid closing in; it will cover the base in darkness, allowing the fyrnocks to leave the hangar.
Hera and Sabine make it back into the Phantom, but find its fuel depleted. Hera contacts the Ghost, asking Zeb and Ezra if they ever checked the results of the diagnostics. They realize they did not. The Ghost crew leaves for Fort Anaxes to save their stranded friends.
Still, it's doubtful that the Ghost will arrive before the asteroid blocks out the sun. Sabine notices several rhydonium containers, however. Rhydonium is highly combustible, and Sabine has a plan.
The two rebels set up the rhydonium containers in waves, and act as bait for the fyrnocks. As the the sun is blocked and shadows fall, the creatures attack. Hera and Sabine run, drawing them closer.
At the right moment, they blast the containers, creating a big explosion and wiping out the relentless fyrnocks.
But there are even more fyrnocks. Hera and Sabine fall back, and blast the last, largest collection of rhydonium containers.
The explosion is huge, and they've survived for another moment. Yet more fyrnocks approach, and Hera and Sabine take to the roof of the Phantom.
Finally, the Ghost arrives. Its lights have no effect on the creatures, which continue to swarm and attack. Kanan pilots, while Zeb and Ezra lower the rear hatch to rescue Hera and Sabine.
The rebels blast the fyrnocks left and right. There are some close calls: Sabine saves Ezra twice, and Zeb stops several of the animals from getting aboard.
Finally, with the entire crew safe, Hera takes the controls of the Ghost. She picks up the Phantom with the ship's magnetic locks, and blasts off.
Hera assures Sabine that she trusts her with her life, asks Sabine to trust her. "I think I can try," the Mandalorian says.
Out of Darkness Episode Gallery
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