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Phoenix Squadron is on the run from the Empire, desperately trying to transfer cargo to a transport. Aboard the Ghost, Zeb completes the mission and the transport makes the jump to lightspeed.
But not all rebel ships were so lucky. TIEs blast an A-wing before it can dock with the command ship. The remaining ships escape in hyperspace.
They're losing ships and pilots too fast. Even if they don't have a base, they still need somewhere to land their fighters. Commander Sato suggests stealing an Imperial ship orbiting Ryloth.
Hera seems troubled...and then contacts her father. "We need to talk," she says coldly.
Cham Syndulla, Hera's father and Clone Wars legend, arrives to meet the rebels. Kanan is particularly nervous to meet him. He introduces Numa and Gobi, two of his finest warriors. Finally, they move onto the briefing.
They'll use a stolen TIE bomber to get onboard; one team will secure the hangar, the other team will secure the bridge. Cham, however, wants none of this. He wants the ship destroyed. "My people need to see it fall from the sky in flames as a symbol of our strength," he says. But Hera is adamant. They'll work together to follow her plan. Cham ultimately agrees.
Later, Ezra asks Hera what's going on between her and her father. She explains they haven't spoken in years. After Hera's mother was killed in the resistance against the Empire, he became obsessed with the freedom of Ryloth, caring about little else. When Cham arrives, they have a heated discussion -- Hera's Rylothian accent returning -- about the value of the rebellion. "I don't care about everyone," Cham says. "I care only about Ryloth."
Despite this deep-rooted tension, they move forward with the plan. They arrive as the Empire's bombers head for the surface, leaving the ship more vulnerable. The A-wings move out, and Kanan sends a distress signal in the stolen bomber.
They need this to look good, so the A-wings blast the rear of the stolen bomber. Hera expertly moves toward the Imperial hangar...
...and crash lands. The plan is working, but it's about to change.
Syndulla's men stun Ezra, Zeb, and Sabine, and Cham stuns Kanan and Chopper. "We only needed your help to get onboard," he says. He's going forward with his plan: to destroy the Imperial ship. Cham cuffs his daughter and exits the downed bomber.
Hera wakes up Chopper, who undoes her binders. One by one, the rest of the team comes to. Hera says they'll finish their mission. First, they have to stop her father.
Cham makes his way to the ship; Numa alerts him to the rebels' presence. He orders her to set the charges, and he will deal with his daughter.
Meanwhile, Kanan and Ezra head toward the bridge, Force pushing all in their way...
...and Force throwing each other through closing blast doors.
They reach the bridge. The captain has already called for reinforcements, so they don't have much time to lose. Kanan uses the opportunity to sneak in some training for Ezra.
Ezra attempts a Jedi mind trick. It doesn't work at first, but soon he has the captain ordering a full-scale evacuation of the ship.
Back in the hangar, Sabine has a plan. Remote-controlling a captured mouse droid -- outfitted with a charge -- she takes out Numa and Gobi.
Cham arrives at the bridge, blaster drawn. He's deactivated the hyperdrive. They're not going anywhere. "I must destroy this ship for Ryloth," he says.
Hera implores her father -- the battle against the Empire "can't be won on Ryloth alone." The rebellion is no different than the war he's fighting. Gobi and Numa, listening through a comm, say they're with Hera. Cham seems to soften, and acquiesces to his daughter.
The reinforcements have arrived. TIEs and a shuttle carrying heavily-armed stormtroopers approach.
Kanan, Ezra, Zeb, and Sabine take to the gunners and blast the Imperial craft before they can do any damage. It's not over yet, however.
The bombers have returned. Four launch torpedoes toward the giant Imperial ship, and Hera takes evasive action. They blast them as they near, though the bombers land some direct hits, and the cruiser loses its stabilizer.
Hera struggles to keep the craft from heading into a nosedive. Finally, Cham grabs the controls with her, and together they right the ship. Still, there's more to be done. A light cruiser is closing in.
Sabine and Cham head to the hangar and find another bomber. They plant Cham's explosives in the cockpit, and Ezra Force pushes it out. The bomber drifts listlessly toward the Imperial ship, getting closer and closer.
Right before impact, Cham blasts it, creating a massive explosion. The cruiser falls toward the surface, defeated.
The rebels return to the fleet with their new ship. Already, A-wings dock in its hangar.
Cham reports that all over Ryloth, his people are rallying against the Empire. He takes a moment to speak to his daughter alone. Cham says he was heartbroken when Hera left, but now understands that she's like her mother: a dreamer. "I am proud of you, Captain Syndulla," he says, and returns home.
Homecoming Episode Gallery
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