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After their Empire Day sabotage and rescue of Tseebo, an Imperial data clerk in possession of the Empire's greatest secrets, the Inquisitor continues his pursuit of the Ghost crew.
Tseebo, who struggles to remain lucid, claims to know the fate of Ezra's parents. Ezra angrily demands answers, and refuses to forgive the Rodian for standing by while the Empire destroyed his family.
Unable to stop the Ghost, the Inquisitor tries an alternative plan. He launches a tracking device onto the rebel ship, and confirms that its signal is live.
Now surrounded on all sides, and with Chopper injured, the Ghost is running out of time. Finally, Tseebo casually enters the cockpit and signals hyperspace coordinates directly into the ship. The Ghost makes the jump to lightspeed, and to safety.
On the Star Destroyer Relentless, Admiral Kassius Konstantine updates the Inquisitor: the tracking device -- new technology that can trace through hyperspace -- is working.
Meanwhile, Kanan asks Ezra to be honest with himself and his feelings about Tseebo. He'll never become a Jedi if he can't be honest. But the Padawan is stubborn and angry with Tseebo. Sabine believes that Tseebo volunteered for his Imperial implants, and stole them as a way to atone for past sins.
Discussion about the Empire triggers data in Tseebo's implants. He projects an image of the XX-23 S-Thread Tracer, the device that the Inquisitor attached to the Ghost. Chopper, now up and running, scans the ship and confirms its tracking them, transmitting from the Phantom.
Kanan has a plan. He and Ezra will detach the Phantom mid-lightspeed, and take the tracker to Fort Anaxes. Before they leave, Sabine implores Ezra to have faith that his parents are alive, and to talk to Tseebo. Ezra refuses.
Finally, the Phantom detaches from the Ghost, spinning into space. Kanan gains control of the fighter, and they head for the asteroid base.
The Inquisitor senses movement in the Force, and the tracking device confirms it.
Landed at Fort Anaxes, Kanan sends Ezra into the fyrnock hangar to "make some new friends" -- a retest of his ability to reach out through the Force and connect with other living things. The Jedi then finds the tracker, and tosses it away from the ship.
Ezra is blocked, unable to let go of a deep fear, and the vicious fyrnocks close in. Kanan joins him, talking him through his fear. Finally, Ezra admits that he's afraid of the truth. "I forgive you Tseebo," he says.
The message reaches Tseebo. Aboard the Ghost, he stands, accepting Ezra's apology and offering his own.
Ezra has made a connection with the Force. Kanan is stunned; the fyrnocks sit, calmly, at one with the Padawan.
Hera makes a rendezvous with the mysterious Fulcrum. She delivers Tseebo and his data into secure hands, but first, the Rodian says he knows the fate of Ezra's parents. Hera says she will deliver his information to Ezra.
On Fort Anaxes, the Empire arrives. Emerging from an Imperial Shuttle is the Inquisitor, flanked by a squad of stormtroopers. "Keep them contained," he orders. "I want them alive."
Kanan and Ezra are ready and waiting, however. Through the Force, they send the fyrnocks to attack the oncoming Imperials. While the creatures successfully engage the troopers, they are no match for the Inquisitor.
Lightsabers ignite, and Kanan duels the Empire's Jedi hunter. They speak few words, trading strikes...
...but a hateful Force push slams Kanan backwards into debris, knocking him unconscious.
Ezra tries to defend his Master but struggles to convey power or confidence. The Inquisitor grabs Kanan's lightsaber and stalks forward, menacingly. He toys with the Padawan, Force pushing him toward the edge of a cliff.
The anger rises inside Ezra. "Get back!" he barks. The Inquisitor eggs him on, and plainly informs the boy that his Master and everyone he loves will die. Ezra reaches deep within himself...
...deep within to the dark side of the Force. A massive fyrnock emerges from below, and the Inquisitor retreats at this display of power. Kanan wakes in time to see what is happening, and is concerned for his apprentice.
Ezra unleashes the beast, and it attacks the Inquisitor. It knocks away Kanan's lightsaber in the resulting battle, and Ezra collapses from the dangerous connection.
Finally, Kanan makes his way to Ezra. Ezra has no memory of what's transpired. "I feel so cold," he tells his Master. Kanan picks up his apprentice, and they escape to the Phantom. Upon takeoff, they blast the Imperial Shuttle, stranding the Inquisitor.
Kanan tells Ezra that if your will isn't strong enough when you open yourself to the Force, you become vulnerable to the dark side. His anger and fear caused the fyrnock to attack. Kanan apologizes for not teaching Ezra what he needed to know.
The Phantom reconnects with the Ghost, and Ezra solemnly retreats to the gun port. Sabine enters, delivering him a holodisk from his childhood home. It has a photo of his family. "Happy Birthday, Ezra Bridger," she says.
Gathering Forces Episode Gallery
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