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Empire Day Trivia Gallery
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Old Jho's Pit Stop is the heart of a small outpost informally known as "Jhothal," located far from Capital City.
Old Jho's Pit Stop recycles a lot of Clone Wars-era junk, including what appears to be the nose of the "Crumb Bomber" gunship; Jho claims it is authentic.
Old Jho's nametag says "JHO" in the Outer Rim Basic font. Ithorian physiology prevents them from speaking Basic, so Jho needs to wear a translator.
Rather than show him as he is today, the "File Holo" of Emperor Palpatine depicts him when he was young and handsome, a common practice of tyrants using state-run media.
The news ticker at the bottom of the Empire Day broadcast tells of a tragic story in which residents of the Boo Boo farm were attacked by rabid Loth-cats.
For the Imperial anthem, Kevin Kiner composed an upbeat parade ground version of the "Imperial March" theme that often accompanies Darth Vader in Episodes V and VI.
Signs on the Bridger household warn "Property of the Empire STAY AWAY," and "WARNING."
In the original outline of this story, a human friend of the Bridger family named Cob Tier would have brought Tseebo into Ezra's life, but as the story evolved, this character was combined with Tseebo.
All of Tseebo's Huttese dialog was written out in English first and then translated into the alien language by Pablo Hidalgo of the Lucasfilm Story Group.
Empire Day Trivia Gallery
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