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Ahsoka's theme, a musical composition created by Kevin Kiner for The Clone Wars movie, can be heard during her arrival on Mandalore.
Prime Minister Almec makes mention of Obi-Wan Kenobi's recent visit, which sets this episode (as well as the previous, "Corruption") after the events of the Mandalorian three-parter from Season Two. Ahsoka's more confident use of the Jedi Mind Trick also sets this episode after "Sphere of Influence."
The Mandalorian prison guards are based on the same character design as the Mandalorian police, but with darker colors. The crest upon their shoulder reads "In Defense of Mandalore" in a Mandalorian type-face developed for the Slave I display screens in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones.
Prime Minister Almec's office is a re-use of the Mandalorian palace throne room occupied by Duchess Satine, but with slight modifications. The darker tinted windows carry on to the end of the room, and it is dressed with unique furniture and props, including glass busts of previous prime ministers.
During her lecture, Ahsoka stands before a jagged and steep graph with the legend "this graph represents corruption-related crimes on Mandalore."
Once Soniee slices through the lock on the warehouse, her computer screen says "Entrare," which is Italian for "enter."
Lagos has a "bad feeling about this," a sentiment expressed often in Star Wars. Someone has a "bad feeling" in every Star Wars movie.
The Peace Park seen in "The Mandalore Plot" is again seen in this episode, cleaned up but still in ruins from the terrorist Death Watch attack.
For those wondering, "Master Jedi" is the formally proper address to a Jedi of any rank by a non-Jedi -- even a Padawan.
The Academy Trivia Gallery
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