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Kenobi has his orders. He is to lead his troops aboard Republic gunships and take the city of Nabat as a landing zone. The trio of Republic transports makes planetfall over Ryloth. Aboard the lead gunship, Kenobi and Clone Commander Cody brief their troopers -- they are to take Nabat intact, and to minimize damage. Blasters and droid poppers only -- no heavy weapons.
On the world's surface, battle droids have erected a command center in the city of Nabat. Commander TX-20, a tactical droid, reports to Wat Tambor that his proton anti-aircraft cannons are ready, protected from enemy reprisal strikes by a "living shield" of captive Twi'leks shackled in the city's central courtyard.
The gunships land in the jungles outside Nabat, and Cody's troops disembark. Kenobi leads clones Waxer and Boil close to the enemy bunker, using the Force to help the troops lob their grenades across a large distance. The droid poppers land inside the bunker and immobilize the droids in a flash of ion discharge. Kenobi and his troops press forward.
Splitting up, Waxer and Boil creep through the empty Nabat neighborhoods. They hear a spill of gravel that puts them on alert. Meanwhile, Cody and Wooley find the assembled droid forces in the courtyard, spotting the anti-aircraft battery and Twi'lek hostages that protect the emplacement. The presence of hostages at the guns complicates things, but Kenobi feels confident he can succeed in his mission.
Meanwhile, Waxer and Boil follow the strange sounds to an alleyway where they find a five-year-old Twi'lek girl, Numa, cowering behind some crates. She is wary of the clones as well as a recon droid that flits by. When Boil extends a hand to her, Numa chomps down on his finger.
Waxer realizes their imposing armor is probably making Numa mistake the clones for droids. He and Boil remove their helmets. Numa calms down seeing the living faces underneath. She calls them both "Nerra." As the clones move out, Waxer tries to get Numa to follow, but she stays put. Reluctantly, he leaves her behind and he and Boil continue their recon.
Numa shadows Waxer and Boil as they continue their way through the village. She somehow gets ahead of them and leads the clones to a shattered structure that was once her home. Among the rubble inside, Waxer finds Numa's tooka doll and gives it to the girl. Numa begins to cry, and the clones try to comfort her.
A terrified Numa warns of the approaching gutkurrs, ferocious creatures unleashed by the Separatists. Spotting two of the hideous beasts turning a bend, Waxer and Boil hole up in the ruins of the house, blasting away at the creatures. Numa offers an escape route -- a cellar door that leads to underground tunnels. The clones dash away from the ravenous creatures.
Elsewhere in Nabat, the creatures charge through the clone ranks, unfazed by their weapons. Kenobi reaches out with the Force and lures the simple-minded creatures into a narrow crevasse capped by a stone bridge, which the clones blast as they pass through. The animals are trapped.
A hatch in the street near Kenobi opens up and Waxer and Boil emerge, along with Numa. Kenobi speaks to her, able to converse in Twi'leki. Numa can lead the clones through the tunnels to the prisoners.
Kenobi splits his forces, sending Cody and some of his troopers ahead to act as a diversion. Kenobi, Waxer and Boil take to the catacombs under the city. The three surface in the courtyard where they find the cannon emplacements and prisoners. Cody's forces attack the droid forces while Kenobi cuts the prisoners' bonds with his lightsaber.
The prisoners freed, Obi-Wan redirects his attention to destroying the five cannon emplacements. With the help of Waxer and Boil, Kenobi successfully takes out four of the cannons. Just then, Kenobi's cannon is hit by a blast from Commander TX-20's tank, tossing Waxer and Boil to the ground. Numa sees this and runs out to help her clone friends.
Impressed by the little girl's bravery, the other Twi'leks begin to rally. As TX-20 targets Kenobi with his tank turret, the droid is suddenly overrun by Twi'leks. The mob tears the droid apart.
With the artillery destroyed, the Republic transports land in Nabat. Waxer and Boil say farewell to Numa, who gives them a parting hug. She calls one last time to them, "Nerra!" Obi-Wan translates for the benefit of the clones. "Nerra" means "brother."
Innocents of Ryloth Episode Gallery
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