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Grievous Intrigue Trivia Gallery
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This episode is filled with numerous new starship models, including the Separatist destroyer (based on a ship design seen in Episode III), a Republic light cruiser (a new design) and a Jedi ambassadorial shuttle (based on Joe Johnston concept art for the Imperial shuttle seen in Episode VI).
The Jedi war room includes a number of new Jedi character models, including a Weequay Jedi (labeled Sora Bulq in design documents), a Nikto Jedi (labeled "Makis Shaalas"), a Roonan Jedi (named Halsey, though at one point named "Tukker Val Loo"), a new Twi'lek Jedi (Finn Ertay) and a blue Mon Calamari (Eekar Oki). The long-tailed beak nosed Cosian is Tera Sinube, who will feature in a future episode, "Lightsaber Lost." The younglings that Ahsoka Tano tends to will also appear in that episode.
The expanded universe attempted to kill off Eeth Koth in 2003's Inside the World of Attack of the Clones, claiming he died in a gunship crash on Geonosis that also took the life of Sora Bulq -- another Jedi character who emerged intact in a subsequent source.
This is our first look at the newly redesigned Commander Wolffe, who has suffered an eye injury since his last unhelmeted appearance in "Holocron Heist," necessitating a cybernetic replacement.
The camera angle of Yularen ordering the fleet attack from the bridge of the Resolute is the same angle as Captain Needa issuing orders from the bridge of the Avenger in Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back.
Grievous Intrigue Trivia Gallery
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