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The Grand Inquisitor Biography Gallery
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The Grand Inquisitor’s focus turned to Lothal after Agent Kallus reported that a band of rebels causing problems on the remote Outer Rim world apparently had a Jedi among their ranks.
The Grand Inquisitor first encountered Kanan after he used the bones of Luminara Unduli and a fake broadcast to lure him and Ezra to Stygeon Prime. In the prison known as the Spire, the two fought the first of several lightsaber duels.
The Grand Inquisitor used the Imperial Academy on Lothal to find cadets with Force skills. He snapped up Zare Leonis’s sister Dhara in this fashion, though Jai Kell and Ezra Bridger (using the alias Dev Morgan) escaped his clutches.
After Lothal’s rebels wrecked the Empire Day festivities by blowing up a prototype TIE fighter, the Grand Inquisitor joined Agent Kallus to hunt down those responsible.
Kallus pursued the Ghost’s crew and reported their route to the Grand Inquisitor, who coolly told the ISB agent to slow them down. Then he headed for his own TIE fighter.
The rebels escaped thanks to Hera’s expert flying, but the Grand Inquisitor attached a tracking device to the Ghost, allowing him to track the rebels through hyperspace.
The Grand Inquisitor followed the tracking device to Fort Anaxes, where he and his stormtroopers attacked Kanan and Ezra. Ezra used the Force to send fyrnocks after the Imperial agent, but he slaughtered them and knocked Kanan unconscious. Taking the Jedi’s lightsaber, the Grand Inquisitor then confronted Ezra. But to his surprise, Ezra summoned a massive fyrnock to fight for him, allowing master and Padawan to escape yet again.
Angry about his underlings’ inability to quell dissent on Lothal, Grand Moff Tarkin visited the planet, and excoriated the Grand Inquisitor failing to handle the Jedi. But others paid a higher price: On Tarkin’s orders, the Inquisitor executed Aresko and Grint.
After the Empire captured Kanan, the Grand Inquisitor used his dark-side powers in an effort to break the Jedi. When Kanan managed to resist, Tarkin ordered him taken to Mustafar for more extreme interrogation.
On Tarkin’s Star Destroyer, the Grand Inquisitor tried to break Kanan by reminding him of his failure to save his own master during Order 66. He then dueled Kanan and Ezra, who’d arrived with the other rebels to save their friend.
This time, Kanan defeated the Inquisitor. Disarmed and humiliated by his failure, the Imperial agent plunged to his death – but warned Kanan he had unleashed something terrible by defeating him.
The Grand Inquisitor Biography Gallery
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