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Sabine Wren Biography Gallery
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After Ezra was captured by the Empire and held on an Imperial Star Destroyer, Sabine joined Kanan and Zeb in an attempt to rescue the newest member of their rebel cell. Using her skills as a demolitions expert, she engineered a trap for the Empire, one executed with her usual sense of style. The Empire’s Agent Kallus escaped the blast, but the rebels were still able to free Ezra.
As part of the rebels’ mission to steal Imperial weapons on Garel, Sabine pretended to be an Imperial Academy student and offered to translate Aqualish for Minister Maketh Tua. She knew the language, but sent the Imperials to the wrong docking bay while the rebels stole the weapons from the right one. To Sabine’s horror, the shipment consisted of T-Z ion disrupters that had been banned by the Senate.
During her downtime, Sabine worked on her art aboard the Ghost, rebuffing Ezra’s awkward attempts to engage her in conversation. When Zeb and Ezra returned from a mission to the marketplace in Capital City, they found a humorous mural of Sabine’s, one that portrayed their constant battles and included their shared nemesis Chopper.
To Sabine’s frustration, Hera refused to share intel she’d received from Fulcrum, the rebels’ mysterious contact. Hera told her the secrecy was intended to protect her and asked her to have faith in their larger mission, but Sabine had trouble accepting that. She’d once been an Imperial cadet, and now instinctively rebelled when asked to follow orders unquestioningly.
On a mission to Fort Anaxes, Hera and Sabine were stalked by ferocious fyrnocks. With the Phantom unable to fly and sunlight ebbing, Sabine concocted a desperate plan: use tanks of volatile rhydonium to herd the fyrnocks along a path and destroy them by firing on the tanks. The gambit worked and the two survived. Sabine was still upset about being denied information, but she and Hera had grown closer and made progress in trusting each other.
Ezra’s Force intuitions helped Sabine and the rebels find Tseebo, a Rodian fugitive hunted by the Empire, in a secret chamber beneath the Bridgers’ old home. Calling on her skills as a slicer, Sabine managed to unlock the information stored in Tseebo’s Imperial implant – and discovered the Empire’s five-year plan for Lothal and other worlds.
Sabine knew better than to put much stock in the silver-tongued smuggler Lando Calrissian’s effusive compliments about her art. But she enjoyed them anyway – Lando could at least talk about art in a way that was beyond Ezra or Zeb. After Lando was caught in his own web of double-crosses, Sabine and Zeb sought to save the smuggler’s skin (and their own) by engaging in a firefight with the criminal Azmorigan’s thugs.
When the rebels’ meeting with exiled Senator Gall Trayvis went awry, Sabine and Zeb worked as a team again, saving the day by pouring fire on Agent Kallus’s troops and giving themselves a chance to flee into Capital City’s sewers with Trayvis.
Sabine played a key role in the rebels’ raid on Lothal’s Imperial communications tower, blasting the facility’s defenders and then helping Chopper slice into the transmission system so they could broadcast Ezra’s message encouraging his fellow Lothalites to resist the Empire.
To rescue Kanan from the Empire, the rebels needed to steal a freighter – and to steal a freighter they needed a diversion. Who better to create one than Sabine? She taunted the stormtroopers guarding an outdoor hangar, dodging their blasts and then blowing up several of the TIE fighters parked there.
The crew used the freighter and a TIE redecorated by Sabine to infiltrate Grand Moff Tarkin’s Star Destroyer, where Kanan was being held. But it took every bit of Sabine’s bravery and improvisational gifts for them to free him and escape.
Sabine Wren Biography Gallery
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