The beloved producer and member of the Lucasfilm family passed away earlier this month.
Allison Shearmur passed away on Friday, January 19. She was a producer on Rogue One and Solo, along with many, many other films and TV projects, including the Bourne franchise and the Hunger Games series. She was an incredible creative force in the movie industry, known and respected by all with whom she worked. And for us, she was more than just a great producer -- she was a beloved member of the Lucasfilm family. She was our Alli.
Alli was just 54 at the time of her passing, an age that feels far too young for someone so gifted and giving, who had so much more left to do. We're grateful for everything she brought to Star Wars and into our lives, which were all made richer and brighter through her. Her independent, positive spirit will live on in her beautiful children Imogen and Anthony, and with her husband Edward. We miss her deeply.