Galaxy Wire is a selection of the team’s favorite activity relating to Jedi, Sith, and the power of the Force on the Internet. From Star Wars: The Force Awakens tidbits to photos of dogs dressed like Ewoks, you’ll find it all here. Thankfully, no Bothans died to get us this information.
Stay on target
One of the most famous Star Wars commercials aired during the Super Bowl, showing a pint-sized Darth Vader "turning on" a Volkswagen after failing to move multiple objects with the dark side.
The Force is just as strong with this new Target ad that features young fans from multiple generations as well as reactions to the Star Wars: The Force Awakens teaser. It's a great reminder of how many lives Star Wars has touched, and we love it.
The Big Bang Theory awakens
TV's favorite geeks are excited for The Force Awakens, too. In a report by TVLine, there's going to be something about the new movie in an episode of The Big Bang Theory. “We’re talking about how that will be weaved into [the guys’] lives,” says executive producer Steve Marlo. “And we have some really cool ideas.”
A Force that has rules
There actually is an all-powerful Force that controls the universe. It's called physics. And while the galaxy far, far away had Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Mace Windu, Earth had Albert Einstein, Issac Newton, and Niels Bohr.
An intriguing science blog in Wired magazine attempts to calculate how much Yoda weighs by examining the scene on Dagobah where Luke attempts to stand on one hand with the Jedi Master sitting on his foot. Very cool, though it's still unclear if levitating rocks impacts one's weight.
Star Wars in a can
The eternal question of soup or salad has been answered.
Unless somebody comes up with a Star Wars dressing.
What Star Wars news are you most excited about? Let us know in the comments below! All Star Wars, all the time