Comic Book Galaxy explores Marvel‘s Star Wars comic book releases and provides a discussion point on the culture and climate of the Star Wars comic book universe.
It’s Wednesday, which means Comic Book Galaxy is here to look at the latest Star Wars comic books. Last week brought us the unforgettable Darth Vader #24, and today brings us more of the Resistance’s best pilot in Poe Dameron #5, as well as an exclusive reveal of the cover to issue #7 (Phil Noto at his best!). There is so much to talk about with Darth Vader #24, so if you’ve read the book, and have managed to pick yourself up off the ground (because it was that good), we need to look a bit more closely into what Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larroca have added to Darth Vader’s narrative.
The Week That Was
Highlights from Darth Vader #24
- After the shocking ending of issue #23, we learned that Vader’s suit contains a device that immobilizes the Dark Lord, as he is forced to kneel before Cylo. While Cylo callously rests his hands on Vader’s helmet like it’s an armrest on his easy chair, and Vader's life begins to fade, we take a walk inside the mind of the Sith Lord.
- Darth Vader has three confrontations during the issue: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Padmé. What occurs during each of these encounters is truly unforgettable (more on this below).
- While Dr. Aphra’s appearance is brief, it reveals she’s even more capable of bravado then originally thought, as she struts into the Emperor’s chambers with news for Sheev Palpatine, “We’ve got a mutual friend. I’ve got things you need to know.” Is she going to reveal her partnership with Vader? Does she realize she’s talking to the granddaddy of all Sith Lords? We will find out in a few short weeks.
Top of the Stack: What’s Out This Week