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Jedi Temple Location Gallery
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The Jedi Council met in one of the Temple’s soaring spires, with the body’s twelve masters looking out over the massive buildings and endless traffic of Coruscant. Here, the Council debated the will of the Force and sought to navigate increasingly treacherous choices for the Jedi Order.
Visitors arriving on foot at the Jedi Temple approached from a long processional staircase, passing between massive pillars and sculptures of the Temple’s ancient founders before entering the Great Hall within. At the end of the Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker and a legion of clone troops took this route to assault the Temple.
The Temple’s many graceful corridors and mezzanines were places for Jedi to reflect on the will of the Force or catch up with colleagues returning from missions across the galaxy.
The Temple’s situation rooms were the site of meetings with Jedi called to other star systems on the Order’s business. As the Clone Wars raged, these chambers were often used by the Jedi to discuss the status of the conflict with the Separatists and prepare for new missions.
Powerful transmitters inside the Temple’s central security station allowed the Jedi to contact all members of the Order across the galaxy in the event of an emergency. After the assault on the Temple, Palpatine’s agents broadcast a recall order meant to ensnare any Jedi not already caught by Order 66. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda infiltrated the Temple to alter the transmission so it warned surviving Jedi away instead.
The Temple was home to more than Jedi – doctors, technicians, maintenance crews and researchers worked in the massive structure’s numerous labs and facilities. The Parwan known as Doctor Gubacher ran one of the Temple’s technological research-and-development labs.
Visitors to the Temple arriving from the air landed on platforms extending from the Temple walls. Arriving dignitaries such as Senator Bail Organa normally enjoyed a dignified reception – but that changed after the attack on the Temple, with clone troopers warning the curious away or treating them as enemies.
Jedi used the Temple’s landing platforms to depart on missions, with younglings eagerly awaiting the day they would be called to board a training ship to construct their first lightsabers.
Hangars inside the Temple housed airspeeders and shuttles used by the Order. During the Clone Wars, these spaces increasingly were filled with starfighters and gunships – a sign of the Order’s transformation during wartime.
A carbon-freezing chamber near the hangars was used to prepare goods for transport across the galaxy. Before the mission to the Separatist prison known as the Citadel, it was pressed into service to freeze Jedi and clone troopers in carbonite.
The Jedi Archives contained the accumulated knowledge of the Order, with its librarians confidently saying that if something wasn’t recorded in the Archives, it didn’t exist. That was an overstatement, but not by much.
One of the most secure parts of the Archives was the Holocron Vault, which housed secrets of the ancient Jedi and Sith. Because this information was so sensitive, access to the vault was limited to members of the Jedi Council – and the occasional enterprising bounty hunter who found a way inside.
Analysis labs within the Jedi Temple allowed Jedi to get help identifying objects recovered during missions for the Order, with analysis droids assisting with the research.
The Temple’s medical center was equipped to handle not just physical and mental maladies – its doctors trained to help Jedi who had lost their connection to the Force.
Jedi quarters were typically simple and sparsely furnished. Jedi such as Master Yoda retreated to their quarters to rest and meditate on the will of the Force.
Some Jedi quarters offered more clues to their occupants’ pasts and personalities. Anakin Skywalker’s quarters, for example, were decorated with old Podracing posters and full of machinery that he tinkered with during his off-hours.
The Temple was riddled with conduits, ducts, pipes and vents. The bounty hunter Cad Bane used the Temple’s ventilation system – secured by a laser grid – to gain access to the Holocron Vault.
One of the most important missions of the Jedi Order was the instruction of younglings, who in time would become Padawans and then full-fledged Jedi Knights. Such instruction took place in rooms throughout the Temple, with the lessons and the rooms themselves tailored to help younglings strengthen their connection with the Force.
Lessons taught in such rooms ranged from quiet meditation exercises to practice with training lightsabers. No member of the Order was too important for such duties – Master Yoda, for one, greatly enjoyed his time teaching the Temple’s younglings.
Courtyards and gardens in the Temple provided serene spaces for Jedi to meditate and discuss the ways of the Force with their fellow members of the Order.
Jedi who violated the fundamental rules of the Order had their cases heard by high-ranking Jedi Masters in the Chamber of Judgment, with the Jedi Temple Guard present in case of trouble.
Some Jedi who perished serving the Order were laid to rest in the Temple, with beams of light lit to mark their passage into the Force.
Jedi Temple Location Gallery
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