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Star Wars: The Force Awakens Story Gallery
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A squad of First Order stormtroopers, en route to the desert world Jakku, prepare for their mission.
Meanwhile, Resistance pilot Poe Dameron meets with an old ally of General Leia Organa’s named Lor San Tekka. Tekka is in possession of a clue to Luke Skywalker’s whereabouts, and passes it on to Poe. But the First Order is fast approaching, and the ball-droid BB-8 bursts in to tell Dameron.
Upon landing, the First Order immediately open fire on the villagers. Stormtroopers mercilessly pull them from their homes and round up all in sight, hoping to find the clue now in Poe’s hands.
Poe and BB-8 make a run for their X-wing, but it’s blasted by stormtroopers. Seeing no escape, Dameron entrusts BB-8 with the artifact and orders him to keep it safe, but promises he’ll return. As the droid speeds away, Poe blasts several First Order troops. One stormtrooper, however, watches as his fellow soldier dies before him. He stumbles forward in a daze, shocked by the chaos and violence around him.
The dark warrior, Kylo Ren, disembarks from his shuttle. He approaches Tekka and demands the object: a map to Luke Skywalker, now in BB-8’s possession. When he refuses, Ren ignites his lightsaber and angrily strikes him down. Seeing this, Poe opens fire -- but Ren, strong with the dark side, is too fast. He stops the blaster bolt in mid-air and the troopers capture Dameron. Ren quickly realizes that Poe was given the map, then orders all villagers killed. The troopers open fire -- all except one.
The First Order troops return to their Star Destroyer, the Finalizer. But one soldier is troubled. He retreats to a shuttle and removes his helmet, desperate for air. Captain Phasma, the silver-armored leader of the First Order infantry, is not pleased. She orders him -- FN-2187 -- to submit his blaster for inspection and report to her division at once.
The next day on Jakku, a young girl named Rey scavenges the wreckage of a downed Star Destroyer. After a day of work, she takes her findings to Nima Outpost.
Rey brings the starship parts to Unkar Plutt, hoping to trade for rations. After looking them over, Plutt tells her they’re worth one-quarter portion. Rey is dismayed at his low offer, but accepts and returns home.
Home is a wrecked AT-AT, a remnant of the Galactic Civil War. Rey eats outside, watching longingly as a shuttle leaves the planet, and playfully puts on an old Rebel pilot helmet. Suddenly, she hears something. Rey leaps to her feet and grabs her staff.
A droid -- BB-8 -- has been captured! Rey admonishes Teeto and frees the droid from his net. She fixes BB-8’s antenna then bids him goodbye -- but the droid follows her. She understands his bleeps and bloops, and finally, she gives in. He can stay the night.
On the Finalizer, Poe Dameron awakens, bloodied from torture and interrogation. But he has not divulged what he did with the map. Kylo Ren, however, presents a new method: reaching out with the dark side, he digs into Dameron’s mind. The pilot screams in agony, and Ren shortly leaves the room with the information he needs.
Later, FN-2187 enters Dameron’s cell and tells the guards that Ren demands to see the prisoner. They allow him to escort the pilot away, and FN-2187 soon informs Dameron that he’s rescuing him. “You need a pilot,” Dameron says. The stormtrooper admits as much, and the two head for the hangar.
When the coast is clear, they enter a docked TIE fighter. Poe takes the controls and FN-2187 mans the guns. They blast their way out of the Finalizer, though Poe won’t call his new friend by his trooper code. He names him Finn, and it’s a joyous moment -- though the two are quickly shot down and crash land on Jakku.
Finn wakes up a good distance from the crash site. He walks back to the wreckage and frantically calls for Poe, but there’s no sign of him. As the TIE sinks into the Jakku sands, Finn grabs Poe’s jacket from the cockpit, and the fighter explodes. He sheds his armor and makes his way to Nima Outpost.
After finding some water, Finn watches as Rey takes out some of Unkar Plutt’s thugs looking to steal BB-8. He’s impressed, but that quickly turns to fear as she runs angrily in his direction. Finn runs and turns a corner, thinking he’s lost her, only to meet the end of Rey’s staff. Rey says that BB-8 claims the jacket he’s wearing belonged to the droid’s master. Where did he get it? Finn, thinking on his feet, says that he’s in the Resistance, and Poe died in the crash.
But there’s no time for further discussion -- the First Order is after the droid, and they attack! Finn, BB-8, and Rey need to get to a ship, and fast. Finn spots one, but Rey says it’s garbage. When a TIE destroys their only other option, however…
…the garbage will do.
They take off in the old ship, Rey at the controls, Finn at the guns.
The TIEs are relentless in their pursuit. In an effort to lose them, Rey maneuvers into the remains of a downed Super Star Destroyer. Emerging on the other side, Finn blasts the remaining TIE, and they head into space.
Finally safe, Finn and Rey are exuberant. They introduce themselves by name, but again, there’s no time to rest. Something in the ship bursts.
Back on the Finalizer, Kylo Ren is informed that the droid escaped -- with help from FN-2187 and “a girl.” He is not pleased.
Rey gets to work on the repairs, and Finn…tries to help. He admits to BB-8 that he’s not Resistance, and only wants to get away from the First Order. Even though it’s classified, BB-8 reveals the location of the Resistance the base: the Ileenium system. Suddenly, there’s a boom.
They’re caught in a tractor beam! Finn says it’s the First Order, and the three hide in secret compartments in the floor of the ship. They wait until someone enters.
“Chewie,” Han Solo says. “We’re home.” They find Rey, Finn, and BB-8, and tell them to get out from the compartments. Finn and Rey can’t believe he’s Han Solo and the ship is the legendary Millennium Falcon. They tell Han that BB-8 has a map to Luke Skywalker, which gives the smuggler pause.
There’s no time to discuss further, however. Solo is smuggling rathtars on his freighter, and Kanjiklub and the Guavian Death Gang have come to collect their share.
While Han tries to talk his way out of it, Rey accidentally unleashes the deadly beasts. They wreak havoc, and our heroes escape aboard the Millennium Falcon.
General Hux of the First Order and Kylo Ren contact Supreme Leader Snoke. Snoke is furious. If Skywalker returns, the new Jedi will rise. He grants Hux permission to ready the First Order’s weapon. And he warns Ren that the droid is aboard the Millennium Falcon, in the hands of his father, Han Solo.
Back on the Falcon, Han looks at BB-8’s map. He notes that it’s incomplete. Han tells the story of Luke’s disappearance: he had been training a new generation of Jedi until one student turned to the dark side and destroyed it all. Feeling responsible, Luke went into exile. No one knows what happened to him, but it’s believed he went in search of the first Jedi Temple. The Force, the Jedi, the dark side -- it’s all true, Solo says.
They arrive at Takodana, where Han plans on dropping off Rey, Finn, and BB-8 with an old friend who can get them to the Resistance. The world is lush with beautiful forests and serene bodies of water. “I didn’t know there was this much green in the whole galaxy,” Rey says.
On the Finalizer, Kylo Ren sits in his private quarters. He feels the pull of the light, he says aloud, and asks to be shown the power of the darkness once more – to his grandfather.
Han, Finn, and Rey meet with Maz Kanata inside her castle/watering hole. Kanata refuses to get the droid to Leia -- Han must go home. In Finn, she sees someone who wants to run. “We all need to run,” he says. Finn decides to leave for the Outer Rim, abandoning the mission, and Rey is shocked.
Rey confronts Finn, and he reveals that he’s not with the Resistance. He admits that he was a First Order stormtrooper and is ashamed of what he was, refusing to slaughter for them. But he wants no part of the coming fight. He bids her a heartfelt goodbye, though she pleads for him not to go. Then, from a distance, Rey hears something.
She is drawn into the dungeons of the castle and comes upon a small chest. Opening it, she finds a hilt of some sort, and grabs it.
Suddenly, Rey is thrust into visions. Visions of her past and of people and places she does not know. Voices echo and call out to her.
Maz comes to her. The artifact Rey touched was Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber, and now it calls to her. Maz implores that the belonging Rey seeks is not behind her, but ahead. Whoever Rey is waiting for on Jakku is not coming back, but someone -- Luke -- still could. Maz tells Rey to take the lightsaber, but she refuses and runs from the castle into the woods.
General Hux delivers a fiery speech to his troops. Starkiller Base, the dreaded superweapon of the First Order, will fire imminently and bring an end to the Republic.
The weapon fires, sending horrible streaks of red across the stars. Worlds are destroyed, and billions of lives are lost.
The First Order, thanks to an informant, arrives at Takodana looking to capture the droid. They level Maz’s castle, and troops begin a ground assault. Emerging from the wreckage, Maz gives the lightsaber to Finn, telling him to find his friend and deliver it to her.
Ultimately, Han, Chewie, and Finn are captured. All seems lost…until Poe Dameron and the Resistance arrive. The pilot leads a daring aerial attack, turning the tide of battle.
In the midst of the clash, however, Kylo Ren tracks Rey. Through the Force, he knows she’s seen the map, and brings her back aboard his shuttle. Han watches from afar, anguished at the sight of his son.
General Leia Organa arrives, reuniting with Han. “I saw him,” Solo says. “Leia, I saw our son.”
Finn and Poe meet at the Resistance base. Finn is thrilled to see Poe survived the crash, and Poe is grateful that his new friend completed his mission. But Finn’s work is not done; Rey has been captured, and he needs Poe’s help.
Inside, BB-8 pulls a draped sheet off Artoo. But his friend does not respond. Ever since Luke went into hiding, Artoo has been in low-power mode, C-3PO explains.
Han and Leia discuss their son; Han feels they’ve lost him forever. Leia believes there is still light in him, and that Han, as his father, could reach him and bring him home.
At Starkiller Base, Kylo Ren interrogates Rey. He takes off his mask and reaches into her mind, looking for the map. He can see her feelings, her thoughts, her loneliness. But Rey resists. “I’m not giving you anything,” she says. Pushing back, she peers into Ren. “You’re afraid,” she says, “that you will never be as strong as Darth Vader.” Later, Snoke commands that Ren bring the girl to him.
Based on Finn’s intel and Snap Wexley’s recon, the Resistance plots an attack against Starkiller Base. Meanwhile, Rey instinctually instructs her guard to “remove her restraints and leave this cell with the door open.” It takes a couple of tries, but it works.
In order to sneak past the station’s shields, Solo has an idea: they’ll come out of lightspeed just above the planet’s surface. It’s a long shot, but he pulls it off, skidding to a stop at the edge of a cliff.
Finn has an idea on how to deactivate the shields: make Phasma to lower them. The First Order commander, at gunpoint, acquiesces, but promises that her troops will storm the bloc and kill them. Han suggests they throw her in a trash compactor.
With the shields down, the Resistance can attack. X-wings pummel the base, but Starkiller is siphoning power from a nearby sun. Once fully charged, it will fire upon the Resistance base.
Finally, Han, Chewie, and Finn find Rey. Finn and Rey embrace, and the group heads outside. Seeing the Resistance is in trouble, Solo decides to turn back and help: They brought explosives, and they’ll use them. He and Chewie set the charges while Rey and Finn wait.
Just after the final charges are placed, Solo sees his son. “Ben!” he shouts. The dark side warrior stops and turns, and the two meet in the middle of a bridge. “I’m being torn apart,” Ren says. “I want to be free of this pain.” He offers his father his lightsaber, but will not relinquish it. Without warning, the weapon emits a horrible growl and Ren drives its blade through his father’s chest. Solo touches his son’s face and lets go.
An enraged Chewbacca blasts Ren in the side and hits the detonator, setting off explosions throughout the base. Though injured, Ren spots Finn and Rey and gives chase, eventually waiting for them outside the base.
He sends Rey hurtling toward a tree, knocking her unconscious, and quickly defeats Finn in lightsaber combat with a deadly strike across his back.
But Rey rises, drawing Skywalker’s lightsaber to her hand. She duels Kylo in the snow-laden forest until, pushed to a cliff’s edge, she calms herself. The former scavenger then unleashes a flurry of strikes on the First Order enforcer, tagging him in the leg, shoulder, and delivering a slice across his neck and face. Ren is defeated, but the ground between the two suddenly quakes, and the combatants are separated.
Poe Dameron, flying inside the superweapon, cripples Starkiller Base with a barrage of torpedoes.
Rey runs back to Finn as the planet implodes. All seems lost -- until Chewbacca arrives with the Millennium Falcon.
As the planet erupts, Snoke commands General Hux to gather Kylo Ren. The survivors of the Resistance return home triumphantly.
Back at the Resistance base on D’Qar, Artoo awakens! He has the missing piece of the map to Luke, and combines his portion with BB-8’s. Soon, Rey, Chewbacca, and Artoo leave in the Falcon to find the missing Jedi. Leia bids Rey a meaningful farewell. “Rey,” she says. “May the Force be with you.”
They journey to a stunning world of ocean and islands. Rey treks to the peak of one of the masses, and standing at the edge is a hooded figure. It is Luke Skywalker.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Story Gallery
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