Once purged from the otherwise complete Jedi Archives was all evidence of the mysterious world of Kamino. A lonely world beyond the Outer Rim and just south of the Rishi Maze, few could have predicted that Kamino would become a key contributor to a massive shift in political power in the final days of the Republic. Kamino is a planet of endless oceans and storms. Few features mark its surface, save for massive stilt-mounted cities wherein reside the planet's natural inhabitants, the Kaminoans. From Tipoca City, the planet's prime minister rules. Lama Su and Kamino’s chief medical scientist Nala Se closely monitor the operations of Kamino's most prized export -- clones -- even after the Clone Wars reaches a conclusion.
- Oceans

An assassination on Coruscant led Obi-Wan Kenobi to the remote planet of Kamino – which, oddly, had been erased from the Jedi Archives. Obi-Wan learned that the Kaminoans were known for creating clones – and all they cared about was whether one could pay for their services. His investigation brought him to a stormy waterworld dotted with cities on stilts.

To Obi-Wan’s surprise, the Kaminoans had been expecting him. A decade before, they had begun work on a massive clone army to defend the Republic at the request of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Obi-Wan pondered this mystery as he toured the Kaminoan facilities: Sifo-Dyas had been dead for years, and the Jedi Council had never authorized construction of a clone army.

The assassin Obi-Wan had trailed was Jango Fett, whose genetic material had been used to create the clones. Fett fought with Obi-Wan when the Jedi tried to capture him for questioning, then fled to Geonosis. After Supreme Chancellor Palpatine authorized the creation of an army to defend the Republic, Yoda came to Kamino to take command of the clones.

Kamino’s clones became the core of the Grand Army of the Republic, commanded by the Jedi in a wartime bargain. Kamino’s importance to clone production and training made it a Separatist target, with the Jedi and clones fighting to defend it from assaults by General Grievous and Asajj Ventress. With the clones essential to the Republic war effort, few sought to investigate the army’s mysterious origins.
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