If ever one needed an example of the irredeemable evil of the Empire, look no further than the shattered remains of Alderaan. A peaceful world of lush valleys and snow-capped mountains, Alderaan was once regarded for its natural beauty, its tranquility, and the sophistication of its arts and culture. Before the Imperial uprising, Alderaan was represented in the waning days of the Republic by such venerated politicians as Bail Organa. In fact, Alderaan was one of the earliest supporters of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, though its officials prudently kept all ties to the Rebellion secret. Despite such discretion, the Empire knew it to be a haven of rebel activity, making it a target of reprisal as soon as the Death Star was operational.
- Galactic Empire
- Galactic Republic
- Alderaan Royal Family
- Mountains

The Core World of Alderaan was one of the Republic’s oldest, most prestigious planets, known for its art and culture and a tradition of helping other worlds. In the last years of the Republic, the peaceful planet was represented by Bail Organa, a Loyalist Senator who supported Supreme Chancellor Palpatine while seeking to aid refugees of the Clone Wars.

Despite his support for Palpatine, Organa became alarmed as the war ground on and the Supreme Chancellor amassed more and more powers. As the Clone Wars wound down, he met in secret with like-minded Senators and prepared to resist Palpatine’s rule if such a step was necessary.

Alderaan remained part of the Empire, but Organa secretly helped knit separate resistance cells into the Rebel Alliance and groomed his adopted daughter Leia to take his place in the Senate. To cow rebellious systems and demonstrate the Death Star’s power, Grand Moff Tarkin turned the battle station’s superlaser on Alderaan, destroying the planet and killing its inhabitants.
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Alderaan History Gallery
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