The Khetanna (Jabba's Sail Barge)
Jabba the Hutt valued money and power, and enjoyed showing off just how much he had of both. The Khetanna, his luxury sail barge, was among the crimelord’s most extravagant purchases: a massive transport that carried up to 500 passengers, maintained a crew of 26, and was outfitted with space for live music and entertainment. It was manufactured by Ubrikkian, measuring 30 meters long and equipped with a heavy blaster cannon -- an essential feature for Jabba’s lifestyle. Indeed, the craft was symbolic of Jabba’s hubris and ego, and played a large part in his downfall.
- Length: 30.0m

Jabba and his followers used the Khetanna to “visit” Tatooine’s Sarlacc pit, where Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Chewbacca were meant to be executed. Things did not go as planned, however. The Rebel heroes, who were sentenced to walk a plank into the Great Pit of Carkoon while Jabba and his men watched from the Khetanna, turned the tables on their captors. They decimated the gangster’s thugs, Jabba was killed by Princess Leia, and the impressive sail barge was destroyed, exploding in flames above the sands of the desert world.