Shaggy giants from an arboreal world, the tall and commanding Wookiee species is an impressive sight to even the most jaded spacer. Despite their fearsome and savage countenance, Wookiees are intelligent, sophisticated, loyal and trusting. Loyalty and bravery are near-sacred tenets in Wookiee society. When peaceful, Wookiees are tender and gentle. Their tempers, however, are short; when angered, Wookiees can fly into a berserker rage and will not stop until the object of their distemper is sufficiently destroyed.
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (Episode III)
Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (Episode I)
Star Wars: A New Hope (Episode IV)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (Episode V)
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi (Episode VI)
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII)
Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Episode VIII)
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars Rebels
Height: 2.0m
Blaster Rifle
Wooden command staff
Wookiee Catamaran
Wookiee Flying Catamaran

The Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk was part of the Republic, and the site of a showdown between Republic troops and invading Separatist droids in the final days of the Clone Wars.

The Wookiees joined Republic clone troopers and the Jedi in mounting a spirited defense of their homeworld, but the Battle of Kashyyyk was most notable because Supreme Chancellor Palpatine issued Order 66 during the fighting. The clones turned on their Jedi Generals, but Yoda sensed the threat and escaped execution.

Wookiees’ enormous strength made them useful laborers. The triumphant Empire subjected Kashyyyk to a brutal occupation, enslaving Wookiees and working them to death on planets such as Kessel, home to the infamous spice mines.

The most famous Wookiee was Chewbacca, first mate of the Millennium Falcon and friend of the Corellian smuggler Han Solo. Chewie helped convince Han to intervene at the Battle of Yavin, spoiling Darth Vader’s defense of the Death Star, and fought bravely at the Battle of Endor, where he helped ensure a new birth of freedom for the galaxy.
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Wookiee History Gallery
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