Tusken Raiders
Tusken Raiders, or Sand People as they are sometimes known, wear abundant clothing to protect themselves from Tatooine’s twin suns. The strong beings pursue a nomadic existence in some of Tatooine’s most desolate regions. They fear little, and make sudden raids on local settlers.
- Beetle Larva

Tatooine’s settlers knew to be wary of Tusken Raiders, who hated outlanders and raided settlements, kidnapping or killing their inhabitants. Shmi Skywalker Lars was one of their victims, stolen away from the Lars farm and ritually tortured.

A generation after Shmi’s death, her grandson Luke almost lost his life to a party of Tuskens in the Jundland Wastes, escaping when Obi-Wan Kenobi frightened the raiders off by imitating the call of a krayt dragon.
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Tusken Raiders Biography Gallery
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