An idyllic world close to the border of the Outer Rim Territories, Naboo is inhabited by peaceful humans known as the Naboo, and an indigenous species of intelligent amphibians called the Gungans. Naboo's surface consists of swampy lakes, rolling plains and green hills. Its population centers are beautiful -- Naboo's river cities are filled with classical architecture and greenery, while the underwater Gungan settlements are a beautiful display of exotic hydrostatic bubble technology.
- Galactic Republic
- Gungan Grand Army
- Naboo Royal Guards
- Naboo Royal Handmaidens
- Gungan High Council
- Naboo Royal Advisory Council
- Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps
- Temperate
- Hills
- Plains
- Swamps
- Urban
- Blue Shadow Virus
- Gungan Personal Energy Shield
- Energy Ball (Booma)
- Booma
- Electropole

The peaceful planet of Naboo was thrust into the galactic spotlight a decade before the Clone Wars, blockaded by Trade Federation battleships as part of a trade dispute with the planet and the Republic Senate. An invasion soon followed, with the planet’s citizens interned in detention camps.

Naboo’s queen, Padmé Amidala, escaped with the help of two Jedi Knights and made her way to Coruscant, where she and Senator Palpatine sought justice for their planet. Finding the Senate hobbled by bureaucratic infighting, a frustrated Amidala called for a no-confidence vote in Valorum. Palpatine would succeed him as Chancellor, beginning his rise to power.

The Trade Federation invasion was thwarted by an alliance between Naboo’s human colonists and the native Gungans. But during the Clone Wars, Naboo’s association with Palpatine and Padmé made the planet a Separatist target once again.
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Naboo History Gallery
- 13 Images