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Embo Biography Gallery
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During the Clone Wars, the Zabrak bounty hunter Sugi hired Embo as part of a crew defending nysillin spice farmers on Felucia. Joined by Sugi, Rumi Paramita and Seripas, Embo defended the farmers’ villages against a gang of pirates led by Hondo Ohnaka. When the Weequay pirate offered Sugi’s band a bribe to abandon the farmers, Sugi indignantly refused on behalf of the others.
Embo and his fellow hunters reluctantly joined forces with Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano, a trio of Jedi stranded on Felucia. Embo eliminated a pirate scout and fought valiantly when Ohnaka’s thugs attacked. Working together, the hunters and the Jedi repelled the pirate attack, though Embo was wounded during the fighting.
The Hutts were a steady source of income for bounty hunters such as Embo – the sluglike gangsters had no shortage of dirty deeds that needed doing and fugitives from Hutt justice. Sugi and Embo were visiting Jabba the Hutt’s palace on Tatooine when Pantora’s Chairman Papanoida and his son Ion arrived to investigate the disappearance of the chairman’s daughters.
Embo was one of the bounty hunters who answered a summons from Count Dooku, traveling to Serenno to prove himself in the fiendish testing ground known as the Box.
Embo outmaneuvered hunters such as Sinrich and Sixtat, surviving the perils of the Box and winning a place in Cad Bane’s lineup of hunters alongside Rako Hardeen, Derrown and Twazzi.
The hunters’ mission was a daring one – kidnap Supreme Chancellor Palpatine during an appearance on Naboo. Embo and Twazzi used holographic disguise matrices to pose as Senate commandos protecting Palpatine. The Kzuyo hunter played his role well, but was taken into Republic custody by Anakin Skywalker and Mace Windu.
After leaving prison, Embo’s travels brought him back to Tatooine, where he and his pet anooba Marrok met with the young bounty hunter Boba Fett, son of the renowned Jango Fett.
Embo, Sugi, Dengar and Latts Razzi were hired as bodyguards by the Hutt Grand Council, and tested when Darth Maul and Savage Opress attacked. The Kyuzo battled Opress, using his hat for defense, but the attackers were too strong. When Sugi ordered a retreat, Embo reluctantly obeyed.
Darth Sidious hired Embo for a complicated mission on Scipio. He fired his bowcaster at the Banking Clan’s Rush Clovis, obeying orders to miss his target. He later shot Senator Padmé Amidala’s handmaiden Teckla Minnau dead, which led to Amidala’s arrest for sabotage.
After Amidala’s release, Embo and Marrok tracked the senator and Anakin Skywalker to Clovis’s chateau in the mountains of Scipio. He attacked the trio and shot down their airspeeder, only to watch the craft slide away down the icy slopes.
Embo used his hat to surf through the snow in pursuit of Skywalker, Amidala and Clovis, but the three evaded him and Marrok. At least the faithful anooba retrieved his always useful hat.
Later in the Clone Wars, Embo signed on with Fett, Razzi, Bossk and C-21 Highsinger to accompany Asajj Ventress to Serenno and rescue Quinlan Vos from Count Dooku. Embo and the rest of Fett’s crew did their jobs, even capturing Dooku, but retreated after Vos refused to leave the Sith Lord’s side.
Embo Biography Gallery
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