An amoral thief and talented slicer, DJ dwells in the shadows thrown off by Canto Bight’s glitz, stealing whatever he needs and resolutely refusing to take sides in the growing conflict between the First Order and the Resistance.

A gifted slicer, the man known only as DJ used his skills to steal from wealthy gamblers passing through Canto Bight. Profoundly cynical, he saw the First Order and the Resistance as halves of the same corrupt money machine. He wore his simple philosophy on a plate adorning his hat: DON’T JOIN. When he, Finn and Rose were caught infiltrating the First Order’s flagship, DJ cut a deal with their captors, earning a big payday for his betrayal.
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"Codebreaker? Thief? I can do it." The Last Jedi
"Codebreaker? Thief? I can do it."
"Live free. Don't join." The Last Jedi
"Live free. Don't join."
"They blow you up today, you blow them up tomorrow. It's just business." The Last Jedi
"They blow you up today, you blow them up tomorrow. It's just business."