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Ahsoka Tano Biography Gallery
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During the Republic defense of Christophsis, General Anakin Skywalker was surprised at the arrival of Ahsoka Tano, a young girl who claimed to be his new Padawan learner. Due to her rigorous education, Ahsoka played most situations closer to the book than did Anakin, but she quickly learned that sometimes there's no substitute for a healthy dose of Anakin's derring-do.
Ahsoka's next assignment with Anakin was the rescue of Rotta the Hutt, Jabba the Hutt's infant son who had been kidnapped by bounty hunters. On mist-shrouded Teth, Ahsoka and Anakin led the clone charge up the steep face of a towering mesa to infiltrate an abandoned monastery overrun by Separatist battle droids. There, Ahsoka found the little squirming Huttlet, whom she affectionately nicknamed "Stinky."
Ahsoka's boundless optimism sometimes blinded her to the deceptions of the enemy. When Anakin lost his astromech droid, R2-D2, at the Battle of Bothawui, Ahsoka introduced her master to Artoo's replacement, R3-S6, whom she nicknamed "Goldie." Ahsoka spent so much time trying to convince Anakin of Goldie's worth that she failed to notice the droid was actually a Separatist spy.
The Jedi were able to recover R2-D2 from a Separatist listening post hidden high in the clouds of a moon in the Ruusan system. Inside the enemy installation, Ahsoka came face-to-face with the wheezing commander of the droid army, General Grievous. Though Grievous was an accomplished Jedi-killer, Ahsoka showed no fear as she crossed blades with the merciless cyborg, even going so far as to tease him with the nickname "Grumpy."
While escaping the Battle of Quell, Anakin Skywalker sustained serious injuries in an explosion. Ahsoka and Jedi Knight Aayla Secura tried rushing him to safety, but their cruiser sustained damage and was knocked off-course. It crash-landed on the uncharted world of Maridun. Ahsoka had great difficulty leaving her Master behind as she trekked into the wilderness with Aayla, seeking out help and supplies.
Investigating reports of mysterious animal deaths on Naboo, Ahsoka and Padmé Amidala became trapped in the underground viral laboratory of the mad scientist, Doctor Nuvo Vindi. Despite their best efforts to contain the deadly Blue Shadow Virus, both Ahsoka and Padmé became infected. It was a test of their strength to stay alive while Anakin rushed to a distant planet to find a cure to the illness.
Ahsoka's confidence was deeply rattled during the attack on Ryloth. She led her starfighter squadron against a Separatist blockade of the planet. The squad was swarmed by droid fighters, and she lost many pilots. She began to doubt her decisions and leadership, but Anakin still trusted her to do her part in breaking the Separatist blockade.
Ahsoka's brash style is quite different from other Padawans. Barriss Offee, apprenticed to Luminara Unduli, was a much more proper and obedient example of a Jedi student. The two Padawans worked side-by-side during the battle to retake Geonosis. They snuck into the depths of a Geonosian factory and detonated explosives that collapsed the droid mill, trapping themselves under tons of debris. Anakin relentlessly combed through the wreckage to find his apprentice.
Departing Geonosis, Ahsoka and Barriss were unaware that their transport was infected by Geonosian brain worms. The parasitic creatures turned their hosts into mindless killers. First, the clone troopers aboard the ship were infected, and then Barriss. Ahsoka refused to strike down her friend even though Barriss tried to kill her. She held out long enough for the brain worm threat to be neutralized by exposure to extremely cold temperatures.
Ahsoka learned an unforgettable lesson in responsibility when a pickpocket lifted her lightsaber while she was investigating the crime-filled undercity of Coruscant. Realizing how dangerous such a weapon would be in the hands of a criminal, she searched tirelessly for it, aided by the creaky old Jedi Master, Tera Sinube. Ahsoka chased down the agile bandit, Cassie Cryar, but much to her surprise it was the slower -- but steadier -- Sinube who ultimately defeated the thief.
Neutral Mandalore suffered greatly in the Clone Wars, as an unchecked black market led to food shortages and war profiteering. Ahsoka Tano taught the next generation of Mandalorian leaders the dangers of such crimes at the Royal Academy of Government, and helped expose the Prime Minister of Mandalore as the mastermind of some of the deepest corruption on the planet.
Bounty hunter Aurra Sing and her ward, Boba Fett, declared war against the Jedi when they took Republic military officers hostage and killed one of them. Jedi Master Plo Koon and Ahsoka searched the criminal underworld for clues to Sing's whereabouts. Finding her on Florrum, Ahsoka chased down the chalk-skinned hunter, even scaling her departing starship, Slave I, as the fugitive tried to make good her escape. Ahsoka cleaved off Slave I's stabilizer strut, bringing the whole ship crashing down.
Though Aurra Sing was believed killed in the crash, Ahsoka was plagued by strange visions in the Force of Sing killing Senator Padmé Amidala. Ahsoka had ample reason to doubt her premonitions, but she kept at Padmé's side as the Senator voyaged to Alderaan to make an important speech. Together, Ahsoka and Padmé stayed a step ahead of Aurra Sing, capturing the hunter before she could complete her assignment.
Ahsoka had come to know the Separatists only as mortal enemies, never stopping to consider the Separatist civilians until an eye-opening undercover mission to the Confederacy capital on Raxus. She saw that many were simply former Republic citizens who wanted to be free of the corruption of Coruscant. Ahsoka made friends with Lux Bonteri, a young man who likewise had his opinions of the Jedi and the Republic reshaped by meeting face-to-face with the "enemy."
On the mysterious world of Mortis, a planet strong in the Force, Ahsoka experienced another disturbing vision of the future, but this one far more personal. She spoke with an image of her older, adult self, who warned her that if she continued to serve beside Skywalker, her future may not come to pass.
Mortis was a trial for Anakin and Ahsoka. While Anakin came to discover his destiny as the Chosen One, Ahsoka was corrupted by a powerful Force wielder known only as the Son, who had great control over the dark side of the Force. He possesed Ahsoka and used her to attack Anakin, in the hopes of pushing Skywalker further to the dark side. Thankfully, the effects of the Son's spell faded in time.
While on assignment on Felucia, Ahsoka was kidnapped by Trandoshan hunters. She was dumped on a jungle island on the moon of Wasskah, and was hunted for sport. Among the prey were Jedi younglings who had been lost in the jungles for far too long. They had begun to lose hope, but Ahsoka's presence gave them new focus.
Along with fellow captive and new friend Chewbacca, Ahsoka led the younglings in a revolt against the Trandoshans. She had truly grown into a leader and was able to think creatively -- thanks to Anakin’s training.
Ahsoka was chosen to escort a group of younglings to Ilum, where they partook in the Gathering: a Jedi rite of passage in which one builds their first lightsaber.
While Ahsoka had become a hero of the Clone Wars, her fate took an unexpected turn. She was framed for the bombing of the Jedi Temple, and later, cold-blooded murder. As a result, the Jedi Order expelled her, and she escaped from prison to clear her name.
While resourceful and determined, Ahsoka walked from one trap into another, and was eventually apprehended. Anakin never stopped believing in her innocence, however, and eventually discovered that Padawan Barriss Offee was the true culprit.
All charges against Ahsoka were dismissed, but her faith in the Jedi was shaken. She refused their offer to rejoin the Order, and instead walked away in search of a new direction.
As the Empire grew in power, Ahsoka found a new cause in Bail Organa’s fledgling Rebel Alliance. Insurgent cells such as Hera Syndulla’s knew Ahsoka only as Fulcrum, a source of valuable intelligence in their struggles against the Empire.
The Lothal rebels rescued Kanan Jarrus from Grand Moff Tarkin and the Inquisitor, escaping thanks to timely intervention from a rebel task force that included their own transport, the Ghost. But who was flying the Ghost? The answer: Ahsoka. Shedding the code name Fulcrum, she told the rebels that there had been a change of protocol, with rebel cells beginning to work together to fight the Empire.
Ahsoka Tano Biography Gallery
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