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Wullf Yularen Biography Gallery
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As part of the wartime bargain struck by the Jedi and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, veteran officers such as Yularen were assigned to work with the newly appointed Jedi Generals. The crisp, efficient Yularen was assigned to Anakin Skywalker, the talented but rash Jedi.
Yularen often served aboard the Jedi Cruiser Resolute. At the Battle of Christophsis, he realized that the Separatist blockade was commanded by an old enemy -- the Harch Admiral Trench.
At Christophsis, Yularen joined Anakin for a dangerous mission on an experimental stealth ship, getting a harrowing firsthand view of Skywalker's willingness to take risks and disregard orders.
Skywalker might not have been inclined to follow orders, but Yularen regarded the chain of command as sacred, and assisted his Jedi General in any way he could.
Besides, he had to acknowledge that Skywalker was an extremely effective tactician, winning victory after victory over the Separatists, such as the raid on the dreadnaught known as the Malevolence.
During the Battle of Quell, an accident sent a Republic cruiser carrying Generals Aayla Secura and Anakin Skywalker rocketing into hyperspace. Yularen ordered every possible course plotted along the ship’s last known trajectory. The Jedi Generals were critical to the war effort, and must be found.
Skywalker's Padawan Ahsoka Tano, however, had much to learn. At Ryloth, her refusal to follow orders left the Resolute vulnerable to droid fighters. They strafed the bridge, leaving Yularen lying wounded on the deck.
Ahsoka was shaken by the experience, but Yularen left the medical bay to give the young Jedi a critical vote of confidence, backing her plan to break the Separatist blockade.
Such successes didn't make Yularen any more fond of unorthodox Jedi tactics, though. For instance, he thought Anakin's plan to deploy walkers in space at Devaron bordered on madness.
And sometimes an officer's duty was to give soldiers news they didn't want to hear. At the Second Battle of Geonosis, Yularen was unable to grant Commander Jet's request for more air support despite the clone's vulnerable position.
At Saleucami, Yularen led a Republic task force on a mission to rescue Jedi General Eeth Koth from the clutches of General Grievous. His task force hammered the Separatist warships while Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Aayla Secura engineered a confrontation with the cyborg warlord.
At the Battle of Sullust, Yularen barely escaped death when his flagship was targeted by the dark-side assassin Asajj Ventress and droid starfighters under her command.
Years later, Yularen was a white-haired veteran of the Imperial military, serving aboard the Death Star battle station (seen here seated next to Admiral Motti). When the Republic became the Empire, Yularen traded his naval career for a position with the Imperial Security Bureau, seeking to root out sedition in the Senate and serving as a liaison to the Military Intelligence agency. His lengthy service record and mix of military and intelligence skills made him one of the more important members of the Imperial hierarchy, culminating with an assignment aboard the Death Star battle station.
Wullf Yularen Biography Gallery
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