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Adi Gallia Biography Gallery
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Adi Gallia served on the Jedi Council at the time Qui-Gon Jinn first brought Anakin Skywalker to the Jedi Temple. She also heard firsthand Qui-Gon's report of an attack by a suspected Sith Lord.
Gallia continued to serve the Council during the Separatist crisis, a series of escalating tensions that led to the explosive start of the Clone Wars.
As a Jedi Master, Adi Gallia served as a general in the Grand Army of the Republic. During the conflict, her fellow Jedi Council member Eeth Koth was kidnapped by the wicked General Grievous, and Gallia worked with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to develop a risky operation to rescue him.
Before long, a Republic task force mobilized from Coruscant to intercept Grievous in the Saleucami system. Kenobi commanded from the bridge of a light cruiser, while Anakin, Captain Rex, and Adi Gallia formed the insertion team aboard a refitted ambassadorial shuttle. Kenobi's forces engaged Grievous, luring the general aboard the light cruiser, while Anakin and Adi rescued Koth.
Later, when the scourge of Savage Opress began on Devaron, Adi Gallia was present at the Jedi Temple to receive the bodies of slaughtered Jedi Halsey and Knox. The Jedi were alarmed to hear of a dark warrior -- possibly a Sith Lord -- rampaging through the Outer Rim. Little did Adi realize that her fate would be tied to Opress.
Adi Gallia was part of a rescue mission to extract Jedi and Republic military personnel from the Citadel prison complex on Lola Sayu. Gallia flew air support in her red-striped Jedi starfighter alongside Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin.
After helping with relief efforts on Aleen, Adi Gallia's Jedi cruiser was ambushed by General Grievous, and the Jedi Master was briefly held captive by the cyborg warrior before being rescued by Plo Koon and his clone trooper forces.
Adi Gallia helped Obi-Wan Kenobi in his search for the resurrected Darth Maul. Reports of the Sith brothers Maul and Savage led the Jedi to a warehouse space station in the Cybloc system. Clues left by the dark warriors let Adi and Obi-Wan pick up the trail.
The Sith brothers appeared to be building an army of underworld muscle by recruiting pirate forces at Florrum. Obi-Wan and Adi attacked the dark warriors, and while Kenobi dueled with Maul, Adi tangled with Savage.
Adi was unable to land a decisive blow on Savage. The hulking warrior pummeled through her defenses, and sent her tumbling hard against some junkyard debris with a Force push. Savage then gored her with his horns before finally impaling Adi with his lightsaber.
Adi Gallia Biography Gallery
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