Wedge Antilles
A talented young rebel pilot from Corellia, Wedge Antilles survived the attack on the first Death Star to become a respected veteran of Rogue Squadron. He piloted a snowspeeder in the defense of Echo Base on Hoth, and led Red Squadron in the rebel attack on the second Death Star above Endor.
- Male
- Height: 1.7m

Originally a pilot of cargo ships, Wedge Antilles was recruited by the Empire -- and he was excited to join. Like many young people throughout the galaxy, Wedge saw entry at an Imperial Academy as a path to a more rewarding life. But he slowly became disenchanted with the Empire’s methods, and secretly contacted the rebellion about a possible defection. Finally, Sabine Wren was sent undercover to his training school, Skystrike Academy, where she extracted Antilles and his friend Hobbie Klivian. Wedge piloted a stolen TIE bomber in their escape before being welcomed into the rebellion by Commander Sato.

Wedge Antilles grew up on Corellia, working as a pilot and mechanic. After joining the Rebellion, he quickly proved himself both brave and talented, befriending fellow pilots Biggs Darklighter, Hobbie Klivian and Jek Porkins during rebel raids and recon missions. Wedge was assigned to the rebel base on Yavin 4, and flew an X-wing in the attack on the Death Star under the call sign Red Two.

After the Battle of Yavin, Wedge became a respected member of Rogue Squadron, piloting an X-wing in many battles against the Empire. He was assigned to Echo Base on the bleak ice world of Hoth, and flew a snowspeeder under the call sign Rogue Three. Wedge and his gunner Janson were the first pilots to down an AT-AT, using their snowspeeder’s harpoon and tow cable to trip up the walker after its armor proved too strong for the rebels’ blaster cannons. After the battle, Wedge flew his X-wing to the designated rendezvous point.

Wedge served as Red Leader in the Battle of Endor, capably guiding his squadron against long odds as the rebels were caught between the fully operational second Death Star and an Imperial task force. Once Han Solo succeeding in bringing down the battle station’s protective shield, Wedge followed the Millennium Falcon into the Death Star’s superstructure. He fired a proton torpedo into the main reactor’s power regulator, damaging it sufficiently for Lando Calrissian to target the reactor itself. Wedge then raced through the labyrinthine confines of the battle station and escaped seconds before the doomed Death Star exploded.
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- 10 Images
“Look at the size of that thing!” A NEW HOPE
“Look at the size of that thing!”
“That’s impossible – even for a computer!” A NEW HOPE
“That’s impossible – even for a computer!”
“Good shot, Janson!” THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK
“Good shot, Janson!”