Luminara Unduli
A green-skinned Mirialan, Luminara Unduli served the Jedi Order during the final years of the Galactic Republic, and trained the capable Padawan Barriss Offee. A no-nonsense Jedi Master, Luminara fought in Clone Wars battles such as Geonosis and Kashyyyk, and was thought to have perished during Order 66. In reality, she’d been taken into Imperial custody and executed, with holographic transmissions of her captivity used as bait to capture fugitive Jedi.
- Female
- Height: 1.76m

The B-wing was developed by the quirky yet masterful engineer Quarrie, a Mon Calamari with no love of the Empire. He worked in solitary on Shantipole, experimenting with speed, weaponry, and design. Finally, the “Blade Wing” was complete, and the Ghost crew’s Hera became its first pilot. After a successful strike against the Empire, Senator Bail Organa found a manufacturer willing to develop the starfighter in secret.

Rebel engineers designed the B-wing with a single purpose – to destroy Imperial capital ships. To achieve that goal, they packed weaponry and flight systems normally reserved for much larger craft into the body of a starfighter. B-wings weren’t much good in dogfights – their pilots complained that they maneuvered like freighters – and were a struggle to maintain. But the B-wing’s potent combination of weapons made it a deadly assault starfighter and a worthy addition to the Alliance arsenal. B-wings proved their worth at the Battle of Endor, with the pilots of Blade Squadron using group tactics to target Imperial Star Destroyers.
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Luminara Unduli Biography Gallery
- 11 Images